Tell Me

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The trees are black against a golden sunset
And I am the darkness obscuring a beautiful world.
Rain pounds down on the pavement, painting it gray
And I am the sadness pouring down around the people I love.
The smell of cigarette smoke clings to my clothes
And I am attached to the idea of happiness being found in objects and humans.
The sound of my piano keys run together blindly
And I am an insignificant blur in the eyes of the universe.

Tell me I am not a splatter of sin on the canvas of life.
Tell me I am not a broken piece of clockwork, ticking away pointless seconds.
I scream and blood shoots out from the wrists of my victims.
I hurt and people rise from the ashes of my pain.

One day I will be not just a passing car, set on a course for destruction.
I will be not the stray cat pouncing on feeble mice and making messes.
I will be not the shattered bulb in the streetlight, desolate and forgotten.
One day, I will grasp for myself a new direction, but for now I am the darkness.
Tell me it is not so.

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