Prologue - Last Christmas (2018)

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Y/N traced the cherry red lipstick across your lips before rubbing them together. You grabbed a tissue to wipe away the access from around your lip and placed the lipstick into your purse. You got up from your makeup table to walk into your closet to pick out the perfect outfit for your date that night. You were looking forward to it since you had made the plans with your boyfriend of two years a few weeks ago when you were still on tour.

This would be the first date night you two had have in person in months since you had been on tour for the last eight months. When your boyfriend had mentioned this date to you, you could tell he was acting a little different... a little off if you will. The more you thought about it, the more you started to realize it must of have meant because he had something special planned. You two had briefly mentioned getting married, so you couldn't help but wonder if he was going to propose.

At the thought, you weren't sure how you felt about it. Yes, you felt as if he was the one and that you couldn't or wouldn't want to ever love anyone else. However, you two had only been together for two years and almost one whole year of that you were away on tour. But just because you were engaged didn't mean you would have to get married right away.

After slipping on your dress, you added your favorite necklace and matching earrings before looking at yourself in the mirror. Smiling, you couldn't wait for what was to come that night. You slipped your feet into your heels and grabbed your coat as you headed down to your living room to wait for your boyfriend.

The drive to the restaurant was a quiet and a little bit of an awkward one. At first you were a little suspicious as to why, but then you figured it was mostly due to nerves of what might happened that night, so you didn't really think anything of it anymore.

However, as the night went on, it still felt extremely awkward. Your boyfriend wouldn't make eye contact with you and he mostly picked at his food.

"Is everything alright?" you asked sipping your wine.

"I've just got a lot on my mind is all," he said.

"Feel like sharing?" You asked. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

He sighed putting his fork down and looking over at you. "I do need to talk to you about something, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it."

"Well, the only way to find out is for you to tell me," you said.

He bit his lip as he took a few moments gathering his thoughts. "Y/N, I- these two years we've been together have been good..."

You smiled, "They've been great, yeah."

"Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few months while you are away... and-"

"Yes!" You blurted out.

He looked at you confused, "Yes?"

"Yes, the answer is yes," you said practically about to jump out of your seat.

"So, you agree that we should take a break from each other?" He asked.

"Wait? What?" You asked looking at him. "You're-"

"Okay, now I'm confused, what did you think I was asking?" He asked.

"I thought-I-I don't know what I thought," you whispered. "But I didn't think it was you breaking up with me."

"Look, I'm sorry," he sighed. "I just... I care about you, I do, but being away from you made me realize that I'm not in love with you... I don't know if it was the distance or something, but I know I need to take some time for myself to figure out what I want."

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