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The man you had learned as Gojo had picked something up, leaving you alone in a room saying something about changing into work clothes. He obviously assumed you wouldn't leave. Since, you seemed keen on staying away from large amounts of people. He came back into the room. A smile on his face. He lacked the sunglasses and instead wore a blindfold that covered his eyes. His white hair pushed up in a fluffy mess. He skipped over to the closet, dancing slightly. Swaying his head from side to side. He grabbed onto something black, lifting the object out the closet, it was a large backpack, from what you could tell.

You used something similar to hold dead (meat/vegetables) for you meals in the frigid forest. He turned to you, that delighted grin coming on to his half covered face. "Ahah- get into the bag or you get in the basement with the others!" A feigned evil smirk appeared on his face. And by the small giggle that came after his 'threat'. You could sense that he wasn't being completely honest. Sunekosuri sighed from inside your head. You could feel his unwarranted disappointment at your confusion. 'It's a joke.' Sunekosuri told. And you blocked him out your thoughts.

Gojo opened the extra large backpack, a mesh patch near the top in which you could barely see inside the backpack. "Come on, get in~" he nudged, trying to convince you to step into the backpack. Which you did with no protests. Which surprised Gojo. But he pursed his lips and zipped the backpack up. You leaning to one side of the back when he slung it on his shoulders.

You steadied yourself from inside the backpack. Peeking out the mesh patch and seeing the back of Gojo's head. You could also see the bed, in which Gojo was facing away from. "Alrighty! I have some other chirren to take care of. I mean they are teens but chirren to me!" He was saying 'children'. You only knew such things because Sunekosuri had commented on the way he said such a word.

"Oh! Hey Yujiiiiii!" He turned quickly, to face the door. Which caused your to tumble in the bag. "Is this my room- why'd you run off when the principle said you had to show me to my dorm- and, what's up with the backpack?" Gojo pursed his lips, "Don't ask" You shuffled upwards, looking out of the mesh patch to see a tuff of pinkish-brown hair coming over Gojo's shoulder. 

The pink haired boy tapped his chin, or, at least that p's what you assume he did due to the 'hmmm' sound he created. "Well alright-" Gojo cut him off with a laugh, and you could feel him start to walk, holding his arms out and pushing the pink haired boy out the room. 

Another voice popped out of no where, and you could see spiky hair peek through a door. You were too distracted by your own thoughts to actual process what they were saying, but a loud yelp snapped you out of your thoughts, and from Sunekosuri's vision through the back pack and through Gojo's body, you knew Yuji had his head slammed in the spiky haired boy's door. 

You winced at it, which surprisingly cause Gojo to turn his head back, and through the blindfold you could see, his eyes peering directly at you. Little to Gojo's information, you saw right through his blindfold like it was clear as glass. And you shrunk, scooting away from the mesh patch, letting out a quiet complaining whine, which caused Gojo to smile, letting him know you were still in the land of the living in the backpack. 

His head spun forward, and you heard an echoing clap from his hands as he wiggled humorlessly, "Friends already! And together we're heading out tomorrow! We're gonna' go pick up the third and final first year!" 




You were knocked out cold in sleep. The warm back pack along with the soft blanket Gojo had stuffed in there with you had been all too comforting, and the cold atmosphere that Sunekosuri had created for you came in waves of euphoria in the most comfortable manor you had ever experienced out side the frost bitten forest. You shuffled against the fabric wall of the back pack, a small crinkle coming from a snack packet Gojo had also snuck into the back pack. 

You hadn't eaten it yet, due to the fact you had one of the biggest meals in your short life before you had left the forest. It consisted of fried rice, salted butter and duck eggs you had retrieved from the river. It also had finely cut (seaweed/tender chicken) topping the perfectly cooked rice. The broth had the salty and feigned meaty flavor to it which satisfied your hunger for longer than your usual meals. 

Your eyes cracked open yawning before you processed the sound surrounding you, you could feel Gojo moving, and from the muffled 'blabahabahbaba' you heard from outside the back pack with his tone of voice you could tell Gojo was speaking to at least four people. But you were quickly corrected by Sunekosuri's already active and awake thought process, 'Three, people, not counting Gojo. A boy, a boy, and a girl. Her names Nobara.. From what I can tell, she'd probably take a liking to you. Yuji on the other hand might not.. And Megumi and you are too similar to be good friends. So I suggest staying close to either Gojo, or Nobara.' 

You tried to understand what he had said.

And in a brilliant moment of word  association, you decided you'd stay close to Yuji and Megalodon. You weren't necessarily sure where in the world you'd find a living megalodon, but since Sunekosuri told you to stay close to one, you figured the animal must still be out there. But Sunekosuri soon shut down your perfect deduction.

'I said stay close you either GOJO or NOBARA' 

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 | J. kaisen x child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now