Chapter 7: Taken

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Didn't want to go to dinner. Just thinking about see my parents get me mad. But the biggest question I ask myself every time I look at a mirror is why the heck I'm I a female. 

Ramoru came to visit me once in a while. I didn't bother talking to him until he let's me see my sister.

Ramoru POV

"For the last time, you can't see your sister " I said.  Carioshell: "Then I won't go to dinner! " "Stubborn as always, why can't you just listen to me for once!?" Carioshell started to cry, I can hear Icy thoughts in my head. Only if he a body.

"Fine I'll take you to your sister,  just stop crying ok?" I said. Knowing Carioshell I hardly think she yes.  "Ok! But I want a food to take with me" I knew I shouldn't said anything...

Ramoru led me to a circle that had candles all around,  I wonder If it's magic jump circle that I see in movies and shows, but I didn't like that fact that he change me into a girl, their was no reason too.

Present state

Tied up and waiting to be kill already,  but this dam bone collector just took me and place me on a chair.  "When are you gonna kill me already?  I already know you like werewolf bones, can't you just end my misery already?"

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