Day 3- The Flapper and the Fed

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry I will be back inside when it is time to strike." He looks back at me, "Can you put her in one of the squad cars Mickey?"

The guy and me he is talking to both gasp.

"What'd she do wrong?" his friend asks at the same time I say "No, absolutely not."

Mr. wolf laughs at both of us. "We don't have time for this. The target is inside and we strike in five minutes. As for her," he jerks his thumb back at me. "She did nothing wrong, I just want to keep her safe." Then he turned to me, put both his hands on my cheeks and leaned down and kissed me. "I am trying to save you from jail time." He kisses me again. "I'm a FBI agent." And again. "I was undercover in there." Another kiss. "You ordered water." One more kiss, longer than the others. "You ordered water." He breathes against my lips. His whole voice is filled with relief.

I nod my head, knowing how serious this is to him. "Can you do me a huge favor?" Johnny nods. "The man I was with earlier tonight, please make sure he gets out alive."

Johnny avoids eye contact, but nods his head in understanding. I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him on the cheek.

"Okay gentleman, lets get this show on the road." He yells as he pulls away from me. He touches my cheek once with the back of his hand, and then he jogs back into the speakeasy.

Mickey leads me to the squad car and I try and settle comfortably in the back. For some reason, I just have this uneasy feeling. Not even three minutes after Mickey slammed the door shut, locking me in the car, tons of people come running and screaming out of the speakeasy. After about ten minutes things start to settle down. Each of the two-dozen cops, have a person in cuffs, and they are ushering them into squad cars. Then I see Johnny come strolling out of the speakeasy. His hair is a mess and his shirt is ripped. That is not what draws my attention. The man that he has in cuffs is none other than Peter.

"Boy's consider this mission a success." Johnny yells to the surrounding cops. They all begin to cheer.

Johnny leads Peter to the squad car that I am currently sitting in. He opens the door and as soon as Peter sees my face, he starts to throw a fight.

"You stupid cop. I understand that you want to take me in, I'm a mobster, but my goody two shoes cousin? What the hell man?"

I scoot out of the car and look at Peter than Johnny. "You are a mobster?" At this point I am seething. Peter nods his head, and I punch him in the face. He stumbles back from the impact, but Johnny makes sure he doesn't fall. Then I turn to Johnny "He was your target wasn't he." Johnny nods his head, and then I punch him, too. He knew it was coming so he was able to tighten his muscles, so he didn't stumble backward. Damn cop.

A nearby cop pounces on me, cuffs me, and pushes me back into the squad car. Then, Johnny shoves Peter into the car and walks away.

Peter tries to talk to me the whole ride to the police station, but I have nothing to say to him. Then, thankfully, once we get there they separate us.

I am sitting in the questioning room, twiddling my thumbs, when Johnny walks in.

I jump up and begin to pound my fists against his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist, and lets me continue hitting him. Finally all my strength leaves my body, and his arms are the only thing holding me up.

"I am so sorry." He murmurs.

I ignore his apology. "Did you even like me, or did you want to use me to get to Peter?"

He pushes me away and wipes the tears from under my eyes.

"I promise that I saw you before I saw him. Also, I didn't know you were related to him. I just noticed you were with him." He caresses my cheek the leans his forehead against mine. "Please, believe me."

"I do, but not only did you lie to me, but you arrested me and my cousin." I look into his brown eyes and see nothing but sadness.

"I did not lie to you, I told you I would bring your cousin out alive, and I did." He then closes his eyes and sighs. "I arrested your cousin, because he is a bad man, and he works for a very evil man, that he could possibly help us catch. As, for you I didn't arrest you. Mickey did."

"What is going to happen to Peter?"

"We won't know until after the trial, but I expect he will be in jail for a very long time."

"What exactly did he do wrong?" I stare at his eyelids.

His milky brown eyes open, and hypnotize me. "I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that if I decide to press charges, you could be seeing the inside of a cell, too."

"What?" I screech.

"You punched a federal agent" He smirks "But I think we could find a different punishment for you." He leans down and plants a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Funny." I kiss him again. "Now I think that you owe me a coffee. I mean you did just threaten to throw me in prison."

"Yeah." He nods his head towards the door. "Come on, jailbait." I slap his arm and he laughs, before wrapping his arm around my waist. "Before coffee I need a change of clothing." He then looks me up and down "and so do you, because I don't really peg you as a flapper girl."

This time I laugh with him, as we leave the police station.

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