CHAPTER 1: The Average Hero

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You know when a story describes the main character as a completely average person but then they go on a magical adventure and become interesting well this is not one of those stories.

My name is John Forster,I know not even my name is interesting. I'm your average every day office drone who gave up on life and success.All I manage to do is make things worse, what I would give to have a little adventure.

I can't even afford a narrator for my own story so get used to me talking to my self yay.....

Anyways let's get to my story and stop my boring explanation....

I'm heading to work now and guess what I'm late that's just great, I'm gonna get an ear full from my boss once I get there.

But before I could get to work a old lady seems to be getting mugged. Another positive outlook on my day.

"Help me please!" Shouts the old lady "His stealing my bag."

I should just ignore this but maybe helping an old lady would make my day, yeah I'll be a hero!

I run after the criminal and corner him,my massive muscles intimate him and he surrenders and I return the bag back to the old lady, the whole neighborhood cheers for me, is what I would of liked to happen but no I chase after the criminal, since I have no lower body strength I'm as slow as a turtle and as soon as I catch up to him he falcon kicks me in the face and leaves me on the ground.

Well at least I tried....

"HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET AWAY WITH MY BAG!" says the old lady hitting John with her cane.

"OWW!" screams John as his being hit. "I'M SORRYYYYYY!!"

I run away as fast as I can and hid behind a dumpster in an alley. For an old lady she was sure tough she must be great with kids.... That was sarcasm as you could of guessed.

At least I can now head to wor--

"GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!" shouts a man that looks like the 1980s version of what a criminal would look like.

"Oh, this is just great..... Just... Just take it.... I don't care." sighs John

The man looks in his wallet and is surprised.

"Are you joking me!"

"I stopped making jokes along time ago."

"There's only five bucks in here!"

"And a coupon for Mike's frozen yogurt,actually can I have that back I'm almost there to a free frozen yogurt."

"Actually you can have it all back!" says the criminal as he walks away "that's just sad.."

"I know" says John

Not even a thief would steal my wallet I wonder whether I should be happy or not?

FINALLY I'M HERE! I never missed work this much. I enter with a big smile in my face only to bump straight into my boss.

"Hey, John what's up?" says his boss

"Aren't you mad I'm late?!"

"Oh, you were I didn't notice well nothing really changed so you can head to your office,see ya later." said his boss

Is it a good thing that nothing changes even when I'm an 1 hour late? Oh well let me grab a coffee before I start the day.

Huh? Why's the kitchen so messy? I turn to see my friend Richard. His a jock,well used to be in his so called "glory days"

"THeSe DaMn TiGeRs, MesSinG Up ThE GaMe hhshejsbsuhsbe."

Drunk as usual.I don't even think those last letters were even words.

"Shouldn't you be working instead of watching the game? Says John

He throws a soda can at me but thanks to my awesome reflexes it hits me straight in the face.

" I'M on My bReak!" he says but his words are so slurred that it's hard to make out." TheY LoSt tHe gAmE YesterdAy aNd now ThEY'Re GoNna loSe iT AgaIn!"

"I'm just gonna grab my coffee and go."

As I look at the coffee make I notice a sticky note.

*Coffee Maker Broken*

OK then... Guess no life juice Aaahhh.

I head to my office and almost instantly ~Brian~ comes walking over to me with the biggest stack of papers.

"Hey buddy can you do me a favour and finish these?" asks Brain as he drops the mountain of papers on my desk.

"Actually I d-"

"THANKS!" shouts Brian as he runs off heading down the stairs.

Does it make me a bad person if I hope he falls down the stairs? Lizzy, one of John's co-workers holds a tray of coffee and is giving it out to everyone.

"Dirty bean juice! YAY!" whispers John

"Here you go John I made it special for you!" said Lizzy as she places it in his hands.

I take a sip of the coffee and instantly regrets it.

She gave me pure black coffee.... I guess it's half my fault. One day I didn't get enough sleep and I needed coffee really badly but we were out of milk and had hardly any sugar so I had to drink black coffee and then people assumed I like it.

I could of told them that I needed the coffee because I was tired but then they would ask why and the real reason why I was up all night is because I was watching the 5 season of Warlocks and Mages,it's s my favorite anime but I'm a total closet case when it comes to it because I'm fraid people would make fun of me.

Guess I'll just suck it up after all it's not that bad. I take another sip, nevermind I hate this.

Work is finally over I can go home!

I start racing for my home and head to the door only to get inturrupeted by my friend Christopher but we just call him Chris.

"Hey buddy how's it going?" said Chris patting John on his back.

"It's going as it usually does..."

"Well me and the others are heading to a restaurant near by wanna come?

"No" I head inside and shut the door in his face.

"Come on it'll be fun!" shouts Chris outside the door.

I ignore him and change into my warlock and mages pj's and drop into my couch.


"You still there, I said I'm not going!" shouts John

"I know you don't have anything better to do!"

"You don't know that!"

"So you do have something to do!"

"Well... No-"

"Excally, come with me and the boys, I promise we'll have fun."

Well his right I have nothing better to do so I guess I'll go. I get up and open the door.

"What are you wearing?" Asks Chris

I look down noticing I'm wearing my pj's. I shut the door in his face for a second time.

"One moment!" I shout as I get dressed.

I come out my house.

"OK I'm ready let's go...."

"I promise you that you'll have a good time." smiles Chris

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Chapter End >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hoped that you enjoyed my first chapter of the office drone! :D

(Ps I might change the cover for this book)

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