6 - Training with Mavis and Finding the Twins

Start from the beginning

Mavis: Look, Y/n. I know I said I wouldn't go against what you said, no matter what it might be, but I have a feeling this isn't going to help me. I could just use my sword.

Y/n: That's exactly the reason why I we're doing this hand-to-hand combat.

Mavis: What do you mean?

I then walk up to her and put my hand on her arm.

Y/n: You may one day have to fight without you sword, or even worse, it could break again, making you defenseless. I just want to make sure that you can still hold your own if you run into a monster that breaks your sword.

Mavis: Well... okay, I'll try.

Y/n: That's what I like to hear! Now, get into a battle stance.

Me and Mavis then get into a battle stance and prepare to fight. I then rush in and throw a few punches, to which Mavis dodges them. I then go for a jumping kick, but she notices and rolls right under me. I then throw a few more punches, to which she blocks them. She then dodges the last one, and as I turn around, she goes for the punch. I move my head a bit to where she misses, then I sweep her leg, making her lose her balance, as I go in for a punch. She then quickly dodges it, shocking me. I then see her fist come close to my face, but I block it and punch her right in the gut.

Y/n: Good job Mavis. You've clearly been paying attention.

Mavis: Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: Well, let's head back inside.


No one's POV

We see Y/n on his bed with a worried look on his face. He then looks to the roof and talks to himself.

Y/n: Rom... Ram... Where are you...?

As Y/n worries about the twins, he hears knocking on his door.

Y/n: It's open! You can come in!

The door then opens to reveal the principal of the school.

Elbert: Ah, Y/n. You surely have cleaned up this room.

Y/n: Well, I had the time. Anyways, do you want something from me?

Elbert: Well, during the examinations, I couldn't overlook your expressions. It feels as if your worried.

Y/n: You couldn't be anymore right. I have two younger sisters, and something happened, causing us to get lost. I'm rather worried about them.

Elbert: Well, I actually am heading to meet with a few hunters at the guild. Would you like to come? Maybe one of them have seen your sisters.

Y/n: Yes, that would be grateful.


Location: Hunters' Guild

Elbert then enters the room where he is meeting with three other hunters, and they all turn and see him. They soon focus their eyes on Y/n, as the fact that he is not supposed to be here.

Random Hunter 1: Hey, who's this?

Elbert: This is the student I had told you all about that has been attending my school.

Random Hunter 2: So this is the one who looks like a girl, but is actually a boy?

Y/n: Yes. That is me.

Random Hunter 3: Why did you bring him here?

Elbert: He is looking for two people, and I figured since you are all active hunters, you might be able to help him.

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