#6: He Asked You On A Date

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Chris Evans

You had almost finished filming. There were only two short weeks left. You were really friends with Chris and the other actors were convinced that there was something stronger than friendship between you.

One day you had just shot in the rain and you were completely soaked. Chris came to bring you a towel.

"Great scene!" he congratulated you

-Thank you...

-To celebrate... Do you accept that we go out for a walk... You and I...

-Of course, with pleasure! I would be delighted."

He smiles.

"Great. I'll pick you up tonight at eight o'clock.

-That should be okay." You smile when:

"Y/N, on set! We're going to shoot the scene again! says Jeremy Renner, Clint Barton's interpreter, aka Hawkeye."

You sighed and stood up. You kissed Chris on the cheek, making him blush, and joined the other actors to shoot the scene, while Chris watched you play.


Steve Rogers

You were now well integrated among the Avengers and Tony had even found your nickname by saying "Well done, Elementalist! You finally got Natasha down!" Since then, your nickname has been "Elemental".

And yes, thanks to the advice of most of the Avengers, especially Steve, you had great combat skills and Wanda Maximoff had taught you how to control your powers.

One day you were still in the training room, still kicking back on a punching bag, and you couldn't hear the person coming into the room.

"You shouldn't take it too easy, Y/N. advises you to be the national hero.

-I still need more practice..." you replied, recognizing his voice.

-Take a break anyway...

-As soon as I settle down, I think of Hydra...

-What do you say we go somewhere together?

-Yeah... That could be a good idea!

-Great idea! Put on a dress, I'll wait for you at eight o'clock at the entrance of the HQ.

-I'll be there!"

He goes to the locker room to put on a sports outfit and join you.

"Let's go Y/F/N.Show me what you give to the fight!

-You can't say that right, Rogers!"

And you start fighting again.


Ransom Drysdale

The day after the evening you had spent with him, Ransom asked you to join him in his grandfather's office.

A little surprised by his request, you went there. He was sitting on one of the office benches.

"Sit down." he said.

A little embarrassed to find yourself alone with him, you went and stared at his cold blue eyes that made your heart beat faster than normal.

"Good. Listen Y/N. We've been getting along with each other for several days now and I think we're getting along pretty well. And I'd like you to go on a date with me."

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