2. Unrequited

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Unrequited- (of a feeling, especially love) not returned or rewarded.

It was a tight squeeze with all of them in the car. The seats were leather so their sweaty skin was sticking to it. "Ron, you're sitting on my hand," Hermione argued.

"That's not, Ron." George defended. The passenger's seat was taken by Fred who threatened to jinx anyone who took his spot.

Nearly fifteen minutes later, they had flown incredibly fast to the burrow. Ron let out a long and narrow sigh of relief at the sight before him. A tall building being held up by magic showed through. The family who owned it obviously didn't own much, The Weasleys.

Stepping inside of the door, a wave of yummy smells filled Olympia's nose. "It smells sooo good. Does it always smell like this?" She nudged any of the people next to her which happened to be Harry. The chosen one only replied with a nod and wiggling eyebrows. Molly ushered her children inside and greeted the few that weren't.

"Hello, dears! I hope you had a last few good days of your last year. I'm glad you chose to spend your summer here." Molly currently had both hands on Olympia's shoulders and was looking her directly in the eyes.

"I'm glad to have chosen to be here, too!" Olympia was grinning ear to ear. Arthur was too busy to greet his children. He had gotten a muggle machine from someone he knew at work.

"It plays music, Molly!", was his only defense as to why the "hideous junk" was in the middle of her living room. After taking a shoe to the big booming machine, it started playing a screeching song.

Olympia's hands flew to her ears in an instance. "Oh, Arthur! Let me help you!" Hermione was used to dealing with muggle technology so she was able to use some handy dandy magic to fix it. What was once a screeching sound was turned into words. Hermione informed us it had been "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears For Fears.

While Fred had opened his mouth to complain about how rubbish of a song it was, Olympia put her hand over his mouth. He hadn't noticed that his parents were currently dancing to it. Olympia didn't want to peel her eyes away, the romance between the two was so mesmerizing. Fred's large hand gripped the wrist of the hand that covered his mouth. "If you want to join their marriage, just say so" Fred teased through her hand.

"I'd love to be your mother, Weasley. Maybe then you'd listen to me when I say you're pathetic." Ollie spit back. Fred only grinned down at her, a sparkle in his eye. Ron had instinctively gripped Olympia's waist and pulled her close. Typically someone would be annoyed at being yanked around, but Olympia was used to Ron being overprotective when it came to her. His strong need to make it seem like he claimed Olympia had actually caused an argument between Hermione and her in the fifth year.  Fred rolled his eyes at the action and stepped towards the jukebox.

"You lot find something to do while I prepare dinner." Molly kissed every forehead before leaving the living room. Arthur had followed Molly into the kitchen with a little pep in his step. A mischievous smile spread across Fred's lips as he read a certain title.

"You know..." he whispered, his voice low enough for only the group to hear, "it might not be a bad idea to start this summer off with a little.." Fred made the "surfs up dude" handshape and pretended like he was drinking alcohol from his hand.

"Fred, I'm thinking exactly the same thing." George stepped out of the crowd that had been still gathered by the door. Fred and George gave each other a high five. Most heads nodded in agreement, even Hermione!

"No. No way, are you insane?" Bill Weasley's deep voice sent shivers that went straight to Ollie's core. She gripped Ron's hand to stabilize herself. Ron gave her a disgusted look and shook his head, a blush creeping up his neck.

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