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Angel walk back out and then taehyung drop her off at work she sigh and went in hoping not to see lay there she got to her office and kim looked at her

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Angel walk back out and then taehyung drop her off at work she sigh and went in hoping not to see lay there she got to her office and kim looked at her.

K: I thought you got here early because your car is at the parking lot.
A: I did and went to the bathroom I just got here.
K: oh ok.

Angel smile and acted like everything was okay she then do her work, meanwhile taehyung was worry about her so he try to shake it off, Chris then went to him.

C: so how are you and angels relationship going?
T: great.

Taehyung acted like nothing is going on.

C: so you both done it?
T: yeah. Everyday.
C: everyday?
T: yeah. Couple more times.
C: I see. Hey im going clubbing tonight you and angel care to join?
T: I gotta ask her first.
C: okay. Great imma tell Alex and see if he wants to join us.
T: great.

Taehyung smile and chris walks away taehyung grab his phone and texted angel, angel look at her phone.

Text form taehyung:
T: hey the boys are going clubbing tonight want to join?

Angel smile and text back.

A: sure. I want to take things off my mind.
T: okay great.

She put her phone down and worked angel knew that she has to act tough not scared of lay if she is scared lay will do harmful things to her so she has to be tough for her own safety. After work she met up with taehyung and his coworkers.

C: hey angel im chris and this is Alex.
AL: hi.
A: hi Alex and Chris.
T: we should leave our car the club is just right there.

Taehyung say putting his arm around angel. They chuckled and walked to the club they got in and allt of people was there.

C: imma find myself a girl.

Chris walks in to the crowd taehyung and angel just sat down with Alex where the bartender was and order water.

T: this any help from last night?
A: yeah. It helps.

Angel smiled and drink her water taehyung turn to Alex.

T: find yourself a girl Alex.
AL:  huh? Well...
A: go on do it there's plenty of girls here your age.

Alex smile at them and went to the dance floor angel looks and smile.

A: oop.

She tap on taehyung and points at chris, they saw him kissing a girl at one of the tables. Angel looks around and see that there are alot of couples just making out she smirks and looked at taehyung then bite her lips, got up and went to the bathroom he saw and also smirk knowing what she's doing he drink his last bit of water and follow her to the bathroom.

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