-Go to Pansey-

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Summary- Y/N gets jealous of how Pansey continues to try and flirt with Draco even though she knows they're dating. What makes Y/N even more mad is how Draco won't stop her.

Words-601 words

House- Any but Slytherin works best

A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I was working on my Peter PArker Imagines so please check it out! This will still be discontinued if my friend decides not to help continue it, her choice obvi. But I will return once in a while.

Y/N was sat in the Slytherin common room waiting for her study date with her blonde headed boyfriend. She sat reading her potion's book waiting until she heard Pansy Parkinson's laugh. Y/N knew that cocky little arse who wouldn't keep her hands off Draco.

She was filled with rage when Draco and Pansy entered the common room and Pansy had her hands on his chest and kept complimenting him. "Y'know Draco, I would love it if you could take me to Hogsmeade. Or maybe we could just go into your prefect dorm?" Pansy asked.

Y/N stood up and made her way to the door but was stopped by Draco. "Hey, babe. Where are you going?" Draco pushed Pansy off of him and grabbed Y/N's arm.

"Dracy Poo!" Pansy shouted with her annoyingly cocky voice.

"C'mon Y/N, let's go." Draco dragged Y/N up to his dorm.

"We need to talk, Draco!" Y/N shouted.

"I was thinking the exact thing, love!" Draco smiled back.

He pulled her into his room and pulled her in for a kiss. Y/N turned her head so he ended up kissing her cheek. "Princess?" Draco questioned. To be completely honest he had no idea what was wrong, well what he did.

"What?" She asked sternly.

"Well, I was thinking. Possibly we could go to hogsmeade instead of studying." Draco presented his idea.

"I would rather study." Y/N replied.

"Oh! Well, uhm, there is always next time! Let me grab my books" he said, pulling away from her and turning to his dresser.

"Alone, Draco!" Y/N whispered.

"Oh,okay. I don't get why you're acting like this, though!" Draco shouted, clearly worried.

"Because! Pansy has been all over you for the past few weeks and you've done nothing to stop her from trying to get you to date her!" Y/N snapped

"It's not my fault she's obsessed with me! Why can't we just study and deal with this later?" Draco asked, frustrated that Y/N thought it was his fault.

"Go to Pansy!" Y/N shouted and before Draco could blink she was out of the door.

Draco stood in awe. He didn't even know how this started he never did- wait he thought. He remembered how he was sitting in the common room Y/N waiting in his dorm for him. Instead of meeting her, he sat around his friends talking and had Pansy clung onto his shoulder. When Y/N came down she must have seen. Draco didn't realize until now that Pansy has really been clinging onto him. He never really minded when Y/N and his relationship was a secret but now that it's not.

He got up to find Y/N. Determined to make things right again.

He searched and searched, eventually he found her with Potter. "Potter! Hands to yourself!" Draco shouted. He pulled the two apart and basically dragged Y/N out of there.

"Draco! Why would you-" Y/N shouted, outraged.

"I'm sorry, love! I was unaware! I just- I don't even know but I love you-" Draco shouted nervous she wouldn't say it back.

But alas she loved him too. "I love you but you need to realize she can't do that! OR I SWEAR I'LL HEX HER!"

(Not proof read. Don't come for me)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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