4. Hospitalized Again.

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Butch put Lucy into his black Cadillac and sped off to the hospital but of course a cop began tailing him. And to his luck it was Gordon and Bullock.

He stopped and they got out of the car.

Gordon knocked on the window.

But he's rolled down the window and looked at Jim with a grim expression.

Bullock asked, "hey butch what's the rush?"

"Mayor Swann's been shot in the leg and she's unconscious could have a concussion. I'm trying to get her to the hospital but you're slowing me down." He sneered. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go." He said starting the engine again.

"At least let us escort you. So you won't have to worry about traffic."

Butch grunted in response stepping on the gas. Five minutes later they're pulling up into the hospital drive in.

Gordon got his phone and dialed. They answered.

He said, "it's the mayor"

Within a minute nurses and doctors were hurdling out the door with a stretcher. They rolled her into immediate care unite (ICU I think that's what it stands for) aka the intensive care unit. They began surgery immediately. She had a broken leg and a torn ligament in her leg. She had also been shot in the leg. She had a mild concussion and a nearly broken spinal cord. Not to mention she had a long gash from her cheek to the nape of her neck in which was bleeding out.They had to put her on life support for half an hour before her abilities began to reconstruct her bone structure.

Her heart rate spiked. And the doctors went into a frenzy wondering how this was possible. They had to take a shard of glass out of her skull structure. They had to be extremely careful so as not to damage her brain. Soon Oswald came barging in demanding to see the mayor. Butch had also been seated in the waiting room.

"I demand to see her! Now!"

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you access to her at this time. Are you family?"

Out of rage and desperation he yelled, "I'm her fiancé!!! Now let me through I have to know how she is!"

The nurse had a look of pure shock and disbelief. It got so bad that she had to have security restrain him. And send him to the waiting room.

Then Edward Nygma came rushing in with Selina Kyle at his side.

"We're here to see Lusciana Swann."

"Are you family or?..."

"I'm her sister." Said Selina Kyle.

"I'm her adviser and extremely close friend." Said Edward.

"I'm afraid we're only allowing family to see her at this moment. She's currently in surgery. It should only be a few more hours before we allow visitors. She'll be resting so we try to keep the visitors and commotion to a minimum." Said the nurse holding her clip board.

"Thanks." Selina said crossing her arms.

Edward nodded at her. The nurse then tired on her heel and went back to her station. Edward went to be seating in the waiting room. As soon as his eyes met Oswald's there was tension radiating through the room. Selina tensed slightly at the tension but she soon rolled her eyes and relaxed.

Ivy was keeping her eyes and ears trained in on anything that could have to do with Lusciana's condition.

"What are you doing here?" Edward sneered at Oswald.

"I could ask the same of you old friend."

"I'm here to see Lucy of course."

"I didn't know you and her were in cahoots together.... Since you shot her."

"An action I deeply regret. Since then she and I have become..." Edward was searching for the word. "Friends of sorts..."

If Oswald's glare could become any worse he'd literally would have cut daggers into Edward.

Selina, who had quite frankly gotten tired of their constant bickering, said, "Okay boys boys! Settle down we get it you both got the hots for Lucy, calm the fuck down and get your balls out of a twist!"

They just glared at her slightly shocked by her outburst but moreover angry at her interjection.

Ivy began laughing at what Selina had said. She wiped a fake tear from her eye.

"God Selina that was one of the greatest comebacks slash outbursts I've ever heard from you!"

"Psh whatever."

A few hours later, a nurse came running out to the waiting room, looking bewildered and completely out of breath.

She then looked at a clipboard and called out two names.

"Oswald Cobblepot And Selina Kyle?!" She looked around the room. The two being called, looked up.

Being impatient the nurse called out again. "Oswald Cobblepot?! And Selina Kyle?!"

The two walked over to her.

"Yes? What is it? Tell me the good news, my dear nurse!" Oswald said.

Selina just waited for the lady to say something worth her while.

Oswald grew impatient. "Well?! What is it? What could possibly have you look so completely frazzled? And so completely UNCOMPREHENDING that you have nothing to say and yet you call us up here as if you do?! How is she?! SPEAK WOMAN!" He yelled.

"She... she's awake."

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