ive sinned part three

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he takes your unconscious body out of the bag and sets you against the wall. he begins to set up tables and then pulls three other body bags out.

after hammy is done replicating the restaurant from ratatouille, he unpacks one body bag and a brown haired girl pops out. hammy says "hey dracella." shes also knocked out and looks a bit dead.

your eyes begin to flutter open

you see dracella slowly wake up and sit down at the table and watch hammy unpack another, he calls the other elvira. when hammy takes the girl named elvira out, she has a bit lighter brown hair that's shorter.

then he finds the last body bag and pulls it out. he pulls out a boy named cyd. he has dark hair and thin glasses.

you watch as the remaining people go sit down at the tables. they look nearly dead but they're both sitting and breathing.

next you see hammy approaching you, and his eyes look crazy. he stands above you "hello y/n you're awake!" you stare at him. you were doing crack and now you're here?

hammy looks at you before he starts jumping you. you enjoy this. he does this for the next 20 minutes while layna claire and cyd watch.

after he finishes he picks you up and sits you down at the table. dracella whispers to you "when you can run he's insane" but you're so in love with him you can't leave.

you stare him down. he stares back at you, and takes you into the other room and explains.

"now y/n i know you think that i'm insane and you think i'm a kidnap-" you kiss him mid sentence. his lips taste of crack and tomato sauce. he kisses you back and pins you against the wall.

you guys finally have sex in the closet, when you get out of there layna cyd and claire have all left. and he throws a fit. he starts freaking out in french. he's so angry.

you try to kiss him again to calm him down and he glared at you before throwing you onto the bed. having just had sex, you're smell great pussy is very sensitive right now. and he knows that.

he takes you back to the other room and feeds you his ratatouille. he asks you if you think it's good and you quickly reply "yes! i love it hammy you're ratatouille is amazing" he smiles.

he invites you to stay over for the night and you call your parents to say you're staying over.

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