Chapter 12

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⚠️⛔️smut ahead.⛔️⚠️
I add a line in the end of the smut if you prefer to skip.

He began to kiss me on my neck, gently biting and sucking at my neck, giving it small kisses and then we slowly walked to the wall continuing to kiss, he then picked me up by my legs and held my butt, he pulled away and looked at me whispering "I love you..." he looked so scared, so broken and nervous. "I love you more" I smiled then giggling. He looked relived but still sad. I lifted his chin and stood on the ground pulling his head down to my height, I bit his lip and whispered in it, "show me how much you love me, I want to feel how much you love me." I whispered into his ear. He grinned and picked me up carrying me to the bed. He removed his pants and then boxers, my jaw dropped.. I looked nervous he smiled at me but still was gentle "is everything alright my sweet darling?" He asked kindly, "your not gonna fit.." I said blushing "oh, I will." He came to me and pinned me onto the bed, sucking my neck hard, he ripped off my shirt causing it to tear and then sucked my chest, gently holding my boobs. He sat up and up zipped my pants and then pulled off my panties with his teeth, he came back up to my level and held himself on top of me he rested his big  dick on top of my small hole. He then thrusted into me gently, his groaning "you're so tight my darling." I grabbed the sheets and held in a moan "I want to hear you." He thrusted into me harder and I let out a moan, hey continued to thrust into me harder and harder as I moaned loudly almost screaming, he continued to do so and I was scream moaning "LOKI LOKI!!! LOKI!!!" I screamed louder and louder, then he stopped one thick steaming hot liquid flowed out of me. He smiled and laid down next to me, I was breathing heavily. He turned on the fan and got a thick blanket, spooning me who was only in a bra.

Smut over

I opened my eyes to see I was in Loki's bed, I sat up realized I was naked. I put in Loki's white shirt that was far too large for me. I sat next to Loki and began to play with his hair "Loki dear, it's morning. I have to get back up there now." I smiled as someone burst in and Loki jumped up, I screamed and covered my no no square with The blanket. Steve looked angry. Very angry. He ran over and picked up Loki "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH-" he stepped on a pair of my underwear, his heart shattered. He pushed Loki against the wall choking him, and whisper yelled in his ear "you raped my best friend. You sick sick fuck. You will regret messing with my best friend." I gripped his neck tighter and I ran over, "STOP!!! STEVEN GRANT STOP IT!! HE DID NOT RAPE ME I GAVE CONSENT!!" I screamed mad but Steve ignored me. He was mad. Loki passed out. I thought he was dead. I screamed and fell to the floor "HOW COULD YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WHERE MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU MURDERED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!! I WAS SO HAPPY FOR ONCE, I WAS SO HAPPY WITH HIM WHY CANT I JUST FUCKING BE HAPPY!?!??" Steve picked me up "I'm sorry-" he began before I pushed him away "Don't touch me. Dont fucking touch me. Go the hell away." I said picking up Loki's head and holding it. I looked up at steve, my mad green eyes. He looked disappointed in himself. "I'm very sorry... I didn't know-" he began before I cut him off again "I DONT WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT STEVEN!! GO AWAY BEFORE I MAKE YOU LEAVE AND BELIEVE ME YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IM CAPABLE OF!!" I yelled at him, he slowly left. I started sobbing over Loki's body. Screaming. I went to his bathroom and got his razor, opening it and cutting my arms all over. Everywhere. Blood soaked into his shirt and I sat in the bathroom balling crying. My arms where covered in cuts. I began on my thighs, after I few minutes I got up and put on one of Loki's jackets and my jeans I had been wearing earlier. I went upstairs in tears and thor was scolding Steve, Clint ran to me and pulled me into a hug as I started sobbing again. "I want him back." I squealed. "I know kiddo. I'm sorry. How about you come to my room with me, we can take a nap." He said and I nodded. Following him into his bedroom

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