Chapter 9

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6 months later

I was now comfortable in avengers compound. My dad and I were closer than ever, Steve was my best friend but natasha was like my mother. Or like my wine aunt, Clint was also a wine aunt and thor was very protective of me. We were all sitting in the living room when thor bursted in. Natasha threw a knife startled and thor dodged it "why would you do that widow?" he asked confused. "my hand slipped that's all." natasha said with a smile on her face 

"Whats up Thor?" I asked looking him intrigued and putting my book down. "I want you guys to report to Asgard with me!" Thor said smiling. My face lit up with excitement "CAN WE?! PLEASE DAD!??!?" My dad gave thor a look and sighed "I can't say no to you... when do you leave" I silently cheered as steve smiled at me "right now, let's get the quinjet loaded." Thor said smiling at me as well  "woah woah woah I need to pack, shower, help winnie pack-" Steve began as I shot up running to my room to pack. "she doesn't waste time." Clint said then chuckling "that's my girl." tony smiled. 

I ran into my bedroom frantically and shoved some nice clothes into my suitcase, everything I would need and I ran out to see everyone still sitting at the couch, "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING GET YOUR ASSES UP WE NEEDA GO TO ASGARD!!!" I shouted pulling bruce up "okay okay" bruce chuckled "lets go guys."  Everyone ran into their rooms and I waited outside

1 hour later

I was incredibly impatient as I waited for everyone, finally the last one to finish getting ready steve walked out "LETS GO GET YOUR JUICY ASS IN HERE WE'VE BEEN WAITING ON YOU" Natasha said and I bursted out laughing which made steve blush. we were already in the quinjet as steve entered. we all got comfortable and steve flew up away and i layed on my giant teddy bear and fell asleep on the ride there.

Once we arrived in asgard bruce woke me up, "Rise and shine little stark" he said as I sat up and yawned. I saw steve pass by and I tapped on his shin, he turned around. "whats up winnie?" he asked me looking down at a girl who was tiny and fragile. "my legs are broken." he scoffed "so you want me to carry you, your luggage and my luggage?" he asked giving me a smirk.

I pretending to think for a second then responded "yes that's exactly what I would like from you." He laughed and we made clint carry our luggage and he carried me. we always picked on clint it was just fun. we were greeted by a beautiful lady and a short plump man. "why hello my beautiful son!" the women said hugging thor. I got out of steve's arms and hid behind him, everyone besides who im guessing is thor's sad was tall elegant and beautiful, I was short clumsy and fat. "why you hiding?" steve asked meanwhile thor was being greeted and introduced his family to the 6 of us. "everyone.. I'm... the thing is.... I'm getting insecure.." i said whispering the last part. "you have nothing to be insecure about, you're just as pretty as the other girls here if not more." he said smiling. I blushed and went to say something but before I could thor and his parents walked over to us "Mother, Father, this is Lady Winnie and Steve." "h-hi" I said shyly and shaking each of their hands "you are quite a beautiful young lady." Thor's mother said before she was cut off by his father "she's the girl you like?" he asked disgusted. Thor turned bright red and was about to say something before being cut off by his father again "Way too short. Too skinny, hairs too long, I don't like her glasses, she dresses inappropriately she slouches she's-" "thats enough." steve said firmly and intimidatingly. "was that a tone I heard to the king of Asgar-" "Sweetheart, please." Odin began before Frigga stopped him. 

Thor was BRIGHT red and I looked sad meanwhile steve has steam running out of his ears. "there's, 6 of you but would you all mind pairing up for a bedroom?" Frigga Asked us kindly. each of the avengers put an arm out to me all saying my name and I laughed "I'm going with natasha, but thank you I'm flattered." I smiled as me and natasha ran into a bedroom. \

we both changed into fancy dresses, me in a beautiful short dark green dress with golden heels and hold jewelry. We stepped out and sat at the tables. we began to eat and I looked at frigga as if i had a question. "Is there something I can help you with dear?" Frigga asked me "where's the bathroom ma'am?" I asked politely as she responded "down the stairs to the right." she said then smiled at me

I walked down the stairs and to the left where I saw see through cells, like futuristic jail cells. it was a bright room as a walked down and at the end a tall handsome man with black hair and a green gold and black trench coat looked at me and smiled "why hello there."

WHAT 1.3K READS!?!?!?! THATS CRAZY I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH OH MY GOD!! I'll try to keep writing love you all 3000!!

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