Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital bed. My head in horrendous pain, I sat up and blinked a couple times to see if what was happening was real. 

"fuckkkkkkkkkk" I said to myself then touching my head

I remembered everything that just happened, Jumping, robot guy, the voice

I had on my tech glasses, from  the day before luckily. I wanted to watch back everything that happened, and luckily my glasses that would help me understand better.

"hello Miss Adams, how may I you?" my glasses said 

"hey gaah with description what just happened?'

glasses assistant and helper/gaah.  the glasses I made to serve my personal needs, like a phone in glasses for. they have the date, time, weather, my location, keep notes, set timers and alarms,  video records of anything that happens when I wear them, music, and Netflix which is why they have attached earbuds to them.

"yes, on friday March 13th, you where encouraged bye classmates Alexis Joans and Allen Bats to jump off a building to end your life, you gave in and jumped off. then you where caught by Iron Man, also known as Tony Stark, genius playboy billionaire, while he was finding information about you through his self made technology (his suit) you slammed your head into a cement wall in attempt to kill yourself. Then Tony Stark brought you to the hospital, your head is okay but you got stitches"

"whats today?" I finally asked

"today is March 14th, 10:43pm"

"where is Tony Stark?" 

"Avengers Tower."

"oh yea what are the avengers?"

" The Avengers are a group of 18 or more mortals/immortals. they keep the world safe from paranormal activity or disturbance from things outside of earth. originated in New York City by Tony Stark-"

I heard someone fidgeting with the door knob

I tapped the side of my glasses for them to turn off

"hello Winnie!" a pretty woman with scrubs on said to me

"hi... Who brought me here... and whats wrong with me?"

"Tony Stark, you will be picked up soon to go home by your foster guardian. you thor deep into your head and needed stitches."

"hm. cool." 

I had to remain in the bed for a while, before I could be picked up.

The same woman arrived from earlier

"hello Miss Winnie, Your driver is here to escort you home."

pfft. home? If that's what you want to call it. I think more along the lines of, humiliation chamber?

she helped me get out of bed and removed an IV from my arm

I changed from the hospital gown back into my hoodie and 

"hey Mr. Rag."

"what is this? the third time this year?"

"Yea. who gives a fuck lets go i want to go home."

We got home

I entered quietly

"hey shortie." the oldest girl said before pushing me on the floor 

"just leave me alone. I just want to eat and go to sleep." I trudged past her

she grasped onto my wrist 

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