Chapter 2

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The first time they get her good and intoxicated, Jisoo learns two things about drunk Jennie: one, she can curse a blue streak that would make a sailor blush, and two, she likes to cuddle. More specifically, she likes to cuddle with Jisoo, much to Rosé's chagrin.

She's currently draped herself across Jisoo's lap and is all sharp elbows and pointy chin. "Will you quit fucking moving? I'm trying to relax, goddammit."

Jisoo rolls her eyes, but tries not to squirm when a stray elbow digs painfully into her ribs. "Well, I'm also trying to relax and you're giving me bruises."

Jennie scoffs and rolls onto her side so that her face is against Jisoo's stomach and falls silent when Jisoo's fingers busy themselves running through her messy chestnut locks. Rosé sends Jisoo a scathing glare from where she is sitting in Lisa's lap on the arm chair. She receives a nonchalant shrug in return. Jisoo isn't doing anything wrong. Jennie is the one who initiated the contact. Jisoo tells herself that she has the resolve not to let anything happen when they're both in this state, but then Jennie turns her head and all Jisoo can do is stare at her plump lips and imagine kissing them.

Nayeon chooses that moment to prance into the room with a half full bottle of vodka in her hand and Jaehyun at her heels. Jisoo is fairly certain they snuck off for a quickie in Nayeon's room, but she can't be sure. There is something that looks like a hickey peeking out from the collar of Nayeon's Fall Out Boy t-shirt, but the girl has a different boy in her bed what seems like once a week, so the jury's still out on that one. Besides, Jisoo really doesn't want to think of her two friends getting intimate with one another. She'd already been scarred for life several times during the past two years. A person could only walk in on one of their best friends in so many Kama Sutra positions before their psychological health was affected.

But then Jaehyun smirks and smacks Nayeon's ass with what she probably thinks is a sexy growl and, yup, Jisoo needs to pull out the old brain bleach again. Rosé mimes gagging herself and Jisoo can't help but nod in agreement.

"Ugh, heterosexuals," Jennie groans against Jisoo's knee. "So fucking gross..."

Jisoo laughs so hard she snorts and Rosé almost falls out of Lisa's lap. She seems mostly disturbed by the whole situation. Nayeon has the good sense to blush, but Jaehyun just shrugs. "Well, I was going to share my booze, but I guess not."

Jennie sits up so fast, the crown of her head slams into Jisoo's chin. The pain doesn't faze her however, because she's stretching across the coffee table and grabbing for the bottle in her cousin's hand. "Not fair! Gimme the mother fucking vodka. Stop being so damn selfish."

"Ow... Jennie... Do you have to have such a hard head?" Jisoo complains. She's pretty sure she almost bit off her own tongue.

"I think you've had enough, actually, Jen." Jaehyun smiles good-naturedly at the belligerent girl and hands the bottle to Lisa instead. "Why don't you go ahead and get her to bed, Jisoo? This is usually the point when she passes out."

Nodding and rubbing her chin where it had been hit, Jisoo rises from the couch and begins to usher a reluctant Jennie from the living room. She ignores the warning glance Rosé sends her, because what kind of person would she be if she took advantage of Jennie in her current state? Her friends seriously need to grow more faith in her morals.

As soon as Jennie hits the threshold of her room, she sways on her feet and stumbles to her bed where she faceplants onto her pillows. She is asleep within seconds and Jisoo pulls her house shoes off and maneuvers Jennie's dead weight under the covers. Before she leaves the room, she grabs a cup of water from the bathroom and a bottle of aspirin and leaves them on Jennie's bedside table.

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