A shot goes off into the air making everyone whimper including myself. "If you all don't keep it down I'm going to start killing you off. Number 10 hurry and tape their mouths," this man orders.

He picks me up again and I'm shoved into the principal who breaks my fall. I'm then forced to sit properly and my legs get retied by the man.

I don't know what's happening. These men, there's many of them and they all look scary.

All of this goes on for who knows how long and the panic in all of us just rise. The men in black take a few children out of the main hall we're all in to I don't know where and the men looking after us just stand there with their guns looking left and right every now and then.

It's been a few hours now since all of us were brought here and still we don't know what's going on. Suddenly we hear, "Who the fuck is this? Why isn't he tied up with the rest of them?"

The halls doors swing open and in walks three guys. Two of the men were holding someone in the middle of them and brought him to the hall. Raising my head, I looked up and it was Dae!

My eyes widened seeing that he was in all black too but not like those men. They pushed and shoved my baby who looked as if he was listless. I was sitting on the far end by the principal and a few teachers.

As they were pulling him along, I saw that Dae's head was changing its direction. His eyes finally landed on me and our eyes met. I am so happy to finally see Dae after so long, he still is as handsome as ever.

Dae stopped walking as he looked over at me with a frown on his face. "What the fuck, MOVE!!!" yelled one of the men beside Dae. Dae's gaze left me and set on the man who yelled.

"K," was his reply and he forced them over to my end making one of the men trip. "I'm sitting that side," he said and walked off towards me.

Dae sat down beside me and looked over my face. Cupping my face in his hands he asked, "What happened, who did this to you?"

I couldn't answer him because my mouth was closed. "Who the fuck do you think you are kid? I don't think you are aware of the situation you all are in yet. Should we teach him a lesson?" the man who spoke asked his friend.

Dae turned his attention to those men and asked in a terrifyingly calm tone, "Who hit him?"

The men stopped and stared at Dae. One of the men started laughing and stepped out, "I did, what are you going to do about it?" he asked and Dae turned to look at me.

"Close your eyes Angel and block your ears," he says to me gently while undoing the ropes and taking the duct tape off my mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing?" says one of the men as he grabs Dae's shoulder and the minute his hand touched my Dae, Dae turned around and grabbed the gun in his hoister. Cocks the gun and shoots the man in the head.

He turns to the man that hit me and says, "Kill you," and then multiple gun shots are heard. I close my eyes but don't get to close my ears in time before I hear Dae's voice yell, "Get the fuck up and help me!"

I thought he was speaking to me but when I open my eyes I see Dae's brother run towards him and throw a gun at him that he picked up from a dead body and there is so much blood on the floor.

The people around me are all frighten, I think even more than me since they don't know who Dae is. Men in black come running into the hall one after the other and get shot down until no one comes into the hall.

It's quiet for some time and I along with everyone else stare at Dae's back while the guns in his hands drop to the floor. The silence is broken when Dae turns around and scans the room. His brother suddenly speaks, "Do you know how many more we have to take down?"

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