Chapter 1

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New world

After Kaido have seen his own face, he look down to his feet, he noticed that his size because a lot smaller compared to his original size, but he still a giant compare to normal human size.
The robed man come to ask kaido to follow them

Robed man: sir, could you please come to the throne room and the king shall answer your question, I know it must be very confusing for you..
Kaido stop looking at his own reflection and walk to the robed man, stare to his eyes and say

Kaido: your king better explain what is going on or else something bad is gonna happen

After that Kaido follow them leaving only the robed man behind, he is shaking and sweating

The robed man: what have we summon to our world the shield hero is truly the devil...

Arriving in the throne room, the king see the three hero walking in but where is the shield devil he thought then the shirtless giant man with shield on his hand arrive, the king immediately know this giant guy is the shield hero, but unlike other hero who got summon, the shield hero look way more powerful and experienced, speak from the king own experience from war he knew this guy is dangerous!

The king look down at the heroes and say: so young men are the four heroes of the ancient legend? This is the land of Melromarc and I am the king Aultcray Melromarc the 32rd. Welcome, brave heroes. please identify yourself..

The sword wielder gone first: I am Ren Amaki. I'm a high school student and I'm 16 years old

The spear wielder: I'm Motayasu Kitamura, college 21 years old

The bow wielder: I suppose I'm up next. Itsiki Kowasumi, I'm still in high school, I'm 17 years old

The king try to ignore the shield hero. But something is telling him not to do that so he point at Shield hero

The king: you the shield hero, it's your turn to introduce yourself

The three teenagers look behind themselves and noticing The giant man looking like barbarian with weapon on his back and shield on his hand is in the throne room with them.

Motayasu: dude... you're huge, just by looking at you make me want to do push-ups

Itsiki: yeah nice costume by the way

Ren: so you got summoned with us sorry haven't noticed you

Kaido ignore the nonsense words of teenagers and just stare at the king

Kaido: i am Kaido. The four of emperor of the sea. The king of beast
Kaido spoke loudly which sound like lion roar making everyone feel intimidated by his voice alone
Spear weirder trying to speak nonsense against

Motayasu: dude you don't have to shout out your name man

Itsiki: I know you're stay in your character. But you shouldn't be rude to the king.

Ren just stay silent not sure if the barbaric looking man is speak the truth or not. While the king clearing his throat and say

King: ahem don't worry that isn't offended me. Now then, I suppose I need to explain why I brought you here. My beloved country of Melromarc and the entire world surrounding it are heading down a path of ruin. We have underestimated the potency of the waves. Once we experienced the first one and barely survived we realized that only the four cardinal heroes could counter them so we followed the legend and summon you four. But now we have no time to lose.

Ren: I think I get most of it. Don't think we will save your world for free

The king respond by: of course not. Once you repel all the waves I can assume you we can award you most handsomely.
The other heroes agree on this

Kaido reincarnate into Shield hero (shield hero x Kaido)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ