𝟐. '𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞'

844 38 12

'okay, wolfie'


I had been quite hopeful about this new school year.

Everyone seemed to have changed for the better, we all seemed to have better mindsets and it had resembled a rather peaceful school year or so I had hoped. But like always, I forgot that Beacon Hills never rests and neither does the supernatural.

Whether any of the others believed it or not, I refused to believe that that poor deer willingly crashed into Lydia's car. That deer was too terrified and it looked to be have been some sort of suicide or even an escape until it had crashed into Lydia's car and unfortunately died.

Since Lydia's car was completely busted, we offered to drop them off. Scott and Stiles lead the girls to the Jeep, while I took on the role of driving the car off to the side of the road so that it was not blocking the entire road off. It had been a bit cramped and even awkward in the Jeep, but nonetheless, all three of us managed to fit in the back and we dropped off Allison first, then Lydia, and then went onto my house.

The girls were pretty shaken up, which was perfectly understandable. Stiles was skeptical of the whole thing but did not seem to be too worried about the situation. I could sense the worry on Scott and as we arrived home and got ready for bed, I found myself sharing his worries as I sat in my bed, scrolling through Instagram although my mind kept thinking back to the incident from earlier that night. There was just no way a deer randomly ran directly into traffic and crashed into a moving vehicle.

Something was not right.


The next morning, I was actually feeling nervous about returning to school. Obviously, it was nerve-racking to start a new school year with new teachers and new classes, but I was more so also nervous about the atmosphere. A lot had changed since our sophomore year and I wondered how the other students at the school perceived everything that had happened over the past few months, ultimately wondering if any of them even had the tiniest clue as to what was happening around them or not.

Sitting up in my bed, I groaned and cracked my fingers, then my back. My hearing had already detected Scott, who was walking around his bedroom. Besides getting crazy buff and cutting his hair, Scott had actually spent a lot of time improving and studying. He had made a promise to Melissa and me that he did not want to fall back into the pit he was in last year with bad grades and constantly missing school. He wanted to improve, to raise his grades, and do good in school.

I was so proud of him for acknowledging this on this own and making moves to improve on his faults instead of dismissing them or playing them off. He understood how important school was and I was happy that he was beginning to be serious about it, having spent a lot of my own time helping him or correcting the tests and papers he wrote.

"Yasmine, get your ass out of bed!"

My eyes narrowed to crinkled slits as I heard Scott chuckle. "Scott, shut up. I'm fucking awake."

The door to my bedroom slowly opened and he peeked in, his hand covering one eye only to zero in on me. Seeing me sit in my bed with my hair in a low bun, my duvet pulled up to my chin, and my eyes still drooping, Scott fully opened my door. "When are you planning to get out of bed, Yas. I'm not driving you if you're late."

"Shut up," I grumbled and threw my stuffed animal at him, watching him dodge the stuffed animal as he let out a hearty laugh, the animal hitting the mirror and falling to the floor. "I'm never late and I have my own ride, remember?"

"I forgot that Derek gave you his car," Scott rolled his eyes, spotting the cocky smirk on my face. "I still don't understand why he gave it to you, of all people."

𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 ▷ 𝐬. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن