uncle vernon slapped harlow across the cheek with the back of his hand. the room turned to a sickening silence. "listen here you stupid little girl, learn some respect or get out."

harlow nodded her head, regretfully. "i'm sorry." she apologized in a cold tone.

on the other side of the room, in the kitchen, dudley was trying to pick pieces of the cake.

"not now, bopkins. for when the masons arrive." aunt petunia scolded in a polite manner.

"which should be any minute!" uncle vernon cleared his voice "now let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? petunia when the masons arrive you will be?"

"in the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously into our home." aunt petunia answered.

"good! and- and dudley, you will be?" he asked.

"i'll be waiting to open the door!" responded dudley.

"excellent! harlow?"

"i'll be waiting for them to sit down so i can serve them." harlow replied.

"yes, and you?" he said turning to harry.

"i'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that i don't exist." harry answered.

"too right, you will. with any luck, this could well be the day i make the biggest deal of my career. and you will not mess it up!" said uncle vernon.

aunt petunia looked at harlow's red cheek, "oh and harlow, do go upstairs and put some blush on your other cheek then come right back down you hear me?"

"yes ma'am."


as harlow finished applying blush onto her cheeks, she heard the door bell ring. she fixed the bottom of her dress and made her way back downstairs. she took her place next to dudley as he opened the door.

"mr. and mrs. mason! do come in!" uncle vernon greeted.

harlow offered the mason's a warm smile, the four of them walked over to the living area where aunt petunia was waiting.

"please, sit." aunt petunia said with a big grin on her face.

harlow walked over to the bottle of campaign, and poored the mason's a drink, along with her aunt and uncle. there was a loud bang coming from upstairs, then another, then another.

"oh, don't mind that! it's just the cat." uncle vernon told.

"i'll go check on the cat," harlow said, and rushed her way up the stairs. she barged into harry's room. "what could you possibly be doing-" harlow was cut off when she saw that harry was alone, there was someone, or something, else in the room with him.

"what is that?" harlow asked.

the creature was banging his head on harry's dresser, it stopped when it realized harlow's enterance.

"i'm dobby, dobby the house elf." the creature said.

"hello dobby, i'm-"

"harlow potter." dobby finished her sentence.

"why, yes." harlow remarked, "what's happening in here."

"dobby had to punish himself. dobby almost spoke ill of his family." dobby replied.

"your family?" harry questioned.

"the wizard family dobby serves, sir. dobby is bound to serve one family forever. if they ever knew dobby was here..." dobby trailed off. "but dobby had to come. dobby has to protect harry and harlow potter- to warn them. harry and harlow potter must not go back to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry this year! there is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen."

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, cedric diggory ²Where stories live. Discover now