Some minutes later Carver showed the team some videos of Mirror Iris, David, and Kamilla. Then they showed a part where the mirror Kamilla walked to the cell of Bloodwork and made Kamilla disappear. Then he turned to the team.

"I knew Eva was ambitious, but Mirror Duplicates," Barry in crossed arms says to him. "Eva's more powerful than you thought,"

"I don't get it. Why doesn't she just come after you herself?" Allegra asked leaning on a chair

"Well, Eva's still technically missing, so she can't be in public," Ralph said.

"That's why she took Singh. The chief of police could get close to you," Kara added, sighing Carver said. "Fortunately, Mr. Wells teleported us to safety," Wells with his arms crossed said. "You're welcome," smiling he asked "What is that device? And how much do you want for it?"

"It's not for sale, dirtbag," Allegra said, laughing he answered Allegra. "Oh, please. Everyone has a price,"

"Hey, listen. We just saved your keister. So why don't you put a sock in it till we can figure out what to do with you?"

"So guess we're stuck with our new guest for a while," Nash said when Carver started to look around the place.

"It's only a matter of time before Eva shows up here,"

"Right. Any mirrored surface inside STAR Labs is a door for her to walk through," Kara said at the team.

"McCulloch security system can protect us. I have a panic room Eva doesn't know about," Carver said hearing what they say about him.

"No offense, but extra guards and a locked den aren't gonna help us out here,"

"I have a biogenic ionization field that can be activated around the entire facility. Anything breaking in would be atomized in a second. We just have to get there," Carver finished

"We could take the sewer system. Pop over underneath R and D? I break into things," He said when Carver looked confused.

"Hm. No time like the present?" he asked, walking away with the team following him.

Central City, McCulloch Technologies, Carver's Safe Room

Kara, Barry, and Carver entered the room with the lights off, the place where the supposed "safe room" of Carver is. Kara's jaw was opened when she saw the "safe room" while Barry was closing the door of the room not seeing the room he says to the two of them.

"A.R.G.U.S. will be here in an hour to take you into custody," when he sees the place, Kara finally talks.

"This isn't safe,"

"You two, relax. After I saw what happened to your wife, I had it coated with protective nanites,"

"Wait, I thought Palmer Tech and McCulloch were rivals," Kara said, making Carver scoff.

"Let's just say what Palmer Tech doesn't know won't hurt them," Then he clicks a button behind the mirror slide showing the now real safe room.

"And this is my panic room. Concrete walls and not a mirror in sight. Even if my outer field fails, Eva can't get in here," He said entering with the couple. The panic room had a lot of things that could make a human being stay there for a year, it also had three T.V's that showed everything that was inside the McCulloch technologies.

"Well, once the building's clear, you can engage your ion field," Barry said when the mirror once again closes.

"Then tell your people to speed up the evacuation," Carver now said, typing something so the force field can engage. A few minutes later Allegra looks at the cameras where Barry, Carver, and Kara were looking from the panic room.

"All clear down here. Ready for the field when you are," After hearing that Carver finally enters the "engage" button.

"The ion field's up and running," Kara said

"Now all that's left to do is sit and wait. Cheers," Carver said with a drink in his hand. When the power shuts down.

"Guys, the force field isn't working anymore. Can we find out what happened to the power source?"

"We know what happened," Allegra said. And the trio that was supposed to work with Carver entered the place.

"Carver's angels invited themselves to the party," Ralph added

"Esperanza, pensábamos que Eva las había cazado," Allegra said to her cousin.

"No. Ella nos dio a escoger," Esperanza started

"Something Carver never did," Dr. Light continued

"We're no longer under his thumb. Neither is Eva," Sunshine finished

"Whatever she is paying you, I will double it," Carver said looking at what they were saying, the trio then look at the camera

"This isn't about a paycheck," Dr. Light started

"It's about payback," Sunshine said. That's when Dr. Light activates her rifle

"Eva's coming for you, Carver. And we're gonna make sure no one gets in her way," All guards start to attack the three of them while Ralph and Allegra search for something to cover.

Superflash: Destiny Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon