music on a subway

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malakai's pov

currently we're sitting on one of the benches waiting for our subway

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currently we're sitting on one of the benches waiting for our subway. the trip from michelles house to the subway was around 10 minutes and it wasn't anything interesting. it was raining lightly so my hoodie is a bit wet. the subway to mine and joeys neighbourhood is about half an hour but it could be more due to the multiple stops we have to take.

i turn on my phone to see its 9pm so its not that late. i turn to see joey sitting with her eyes closed

"hey, you tired?" i ask her quietly and nudge her softly. she opens her eyes a bit but closes them right after

"yeah a bit i haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately" she respond while she trys to get more comfortable on the metal bench

"you can rest on my shoulder if you want to but i think the metro should be arriving soon" right as i finish my sentence out metro arrives. i laugh at that and get up, giving joey my hand to help her get up. she shoots me a tired smile as we make our way into the metro

well its packed with people. quickly scanning the inside i find a free seat. i squeeze joey's hand tighter and start making my way through the crowd of people, pulling joey with me. when we reach the empty seat i tell joey to sit.

"no you sit" she tells me turning to look at me

"joey you are tired, go sit before someone take the spot" i look at her seriously she rolls her eyes and sits down, she looks up at me and takes my hand pulling me next to her, but due to the little room we have between all of these people it gets really uncomfortable

"problem solved now we're both sitting" joey smiles at me, clearly proud of herself

"yeah but we're uncomfortable" i add

"that doesn't really matter" she reassures me teasingly. i just shake my head laughing slightly.

"well we have about a half an hour what do you suggest we do" i ask turning to look at her

"uhh do you wanna listen to music" she offers

"sure" i shrug

"we're gonna have to share earphones tho"

"that's okay with me" i shrug again. watching as she pulls her bag up to her chest and digging through it to find her earphones. she untangles them struggling a bit. i almost offer to help but she figures it out. it really is a pain in the ass to untangle those things. she plugs them in her phone and gives one to me smiling at me and going to spotify and she turns on a random playlist. it's probably a chill playlist because the song that comes on is pretty relaxing. she puts her phone on her lap and closes her eyes to relax. not even two minutes after i feel a light weight on my shoulder so i turn my head slightly and see her resting her head on my shoulder. im pretty sure she sleeping tho. i smile at the sight. shes really beautiful. i stop staring at her, cursing myself out for being such a creep. i spend the next twenty or so minutes just relaxing to the music. mentally trying to remember to ask joey to send me the playlist later. i look at the little screen displaying the stations and seeing we'll be arriving in about three minutes. i turn my head a bit to nudge joey slightly

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