Chapter 1. The first sight.

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Zombie Apocalypse  

Year 2301.  


Chapter 1. The First Sight.  

They lived in the small town of LaSalle; their families were some of the few left there. After "the Smoke" as the towns men called it crept in most of the people in the city left. In a place where nuclear radiation has broke down everything around you. Nuclear bombs, heavy radiation and toxic waste had all hit the town, well of the world dead on... It turned people into mindless, green skinned, flesh eating zombies. Now everyone that didn't have this "disease" was forced to wear oxygen tanks when they weren't in there dome houses. In order to keep more and more people from "turning" -a term used to say infected- the government made 7 simple rules to follow-  

1) Don't breathe the air. 

2) Don't get bit. 

3) Always double tap. 

4) Don't trust the half human half zombies. 

5) Don't get attached. 

6) Leave your breathing suit on.  

7) Always refill your O2 tank. 

But here, in LaSalle Ontario, three teens star there adventure.  

The trio walked in harmony to the houses from a Christmas formal. Strolling and giggling down the toxic paths they came across their old school -the one they went to before "the Smoke". Sandwich Secondary had been closed down for three years because the radiation and toxic fumes were too bad the cities had to build buildings that were dome shaped and full of fresh oxygen.  

"Wow, did you to have fun?" Her voice is ecstatic as she walked out the Christmas formal with her two best friends. 

"HA! Ya, did you see that one girl, all up on me!" The mildly smooth boy on her left spoke with a certain confidence. 

"Todd, no girl in her right mind would touch you with a 21 and a half foot pole." The boy on the right to her spoke now. Calmer and more educated in the way he talked.  

"How about you Lizy? Didcha have fuuuun?" Todd asked over exaggerating every word.  

"Ya, I had a great time! How about you Joey?" Her voice was fluent and full of excitement. 

"I really don't like dancing, you know that, you two screw ups are the only reasons I went." He said winking at Elizabeth.  

They were walking back to their houses, when- 

"Dudes check it out!" Todd said overly excited getting first glimpse of the school. 

"HA haven't even thought about that old place sense...ya..." Joey said flatly.  

"Let's go inside!" Todd exclaimed. 

"No! Oh no! We only have enough oxygen in out tanks to get us home!" Elizabeth cautioned. 

"Scare-Dee cat!" Todd taunted. 

"Am not. I just don't want to run out of air! You know that stuff we need to breathe!" Elizabeth said sharply.  

"HA okay. Whatever. You're right. It might be too scary for you anyway." Todd said in a overly exaggerated voice.  

"FINE! LET'S GO!" Elizabeth said falling for Todd's' plan. 

Walking down the dark, slippery icy path, the only light they could see was the "zombie caution" light- half faded from frost and darkness-. They found themselves at the old mechanic/tech wing of the school. They cautionitly walked inside the pitch black garage door- which looked to be half eaten by wild animals, and severely dented by maybe hard stones or something?- Not being able to make out the faded colors of the walls they soon realized they were no longer alone. 

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