Chapter 10

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•Chikara Ennoshita•

Skipping practice was much harder than how people explained it. Then again, they didn't have two consistent friends who would legitimately try to drag you there.

Noya and Tanaka tried convincing Narita, Kinoshita and I to go back. And they did this every day. Sometimes we had to avoid them since they were trying so hard.

The days that we avoided them were pretty boring. The walk to school was quiet. The classes were quiet. The lunch period was quiet. And the walk home was quiet.

When I was doing my work was the only time that it got at least a bit better. Since I didn't need voices to distract me, I was able to get more work done.

Still, it was very lonely. There was nobody around to hang out with, share an inside joke with, or even just distract me for no apparent reason.

The quiet days dragged on. I'd finish work earlier since I had much less, then do something random like rereading a book or putting on a movie.

Occasionally, Kinoshita and Narita would come over, and I'd give myself a break from working. Still, I'd have to help them out with homework or projects. And, still, there was a lingering feeling of loneliness.


After successfully getting away from Tanaka and Noya, Narita, Kinoshita and I were eating lunch in silence.

Narita spoke, saying, "Has anybody else been feeling kind of bored lately?"

I nodded, my mouth full.

"Why do you guys think it is?" Kinoshita asked.

I shrugged even though I knew really well what the answer was. I wanted to be able to eat my lunch without hearing any teasing.

I didn't really pay attention to the rest of their conversation, but I managed to catch that they figured out it was skipping practice.

"Should we see if we could join back?" Narita asked.

"We could try. Are you guys up for trying after school?"

I swallowed the rest of my food down. "Sure."


After all the classes were over, I started to make my way to the second gym. I heard the team warming up and stretching, so I poked my head past the doorway.

From where I wasn't looking, I heard a voice yell, "Ennoshita!" All of the gazes in the room shifted to where I was at.

Everything was quiet. "Hi."

"Did you need something?" Daichi asked.

"I was wondering if those who skipped could join back?"

"Sure. Our chance is pretty slim now, though."

"What do you mean?"

"The first tournament is over, so the third years left. Plus, Ukai got hospitalized again. But yeah, if you and anybody else want to join back, just go change and then we'll practice."

"Okay, I'll be back."

I turned away and headed towards the club room, trying to hide the smile emerging from my face. Kinoshita and Narita ran from the side of the gym, stopping when they saw me.

"Sorry we're late, Ennoshita, we were-" Kinoshita started.

"You were making out, I know." I honestly didn't, but it was worth the reaction. I told them about what Daichi told me, and we hurried to the club room.


Being back felt nice. Not doing training that was extremely difficult was nice. And, believe it or not, being around chaotic people again was nice.

The other first years and I were finishing up in the club room when Tanaka spoke up.

"Sooo exams are coming up." He paused. I turned around and saw them all staring at me.

"What, did you want me to do something about it?"

"Well," Noya added, "you said that you could help us study,"

"And? Are you gonna ask me or just keep staring at me?

They just kept staring at me.

"Fine, I'll help you guys out. Is everybody free on Saturday around noon?"

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