Ben held a sheepish smile but was still silent.
“Well I’ll tell them. You are now looking at the Head of Anesthesiology at UCLA.” Kimberly said clapping.

Miranda almost dropped the surgical utensil in her hand.

“Congratulations that’s awesome, when do you make the move Warren.” Richard asked smiling.

Miranda stayed silent. She felt her heart racing and she was running out of oxygen.
Miranda looked over at Ben finally connecting eyes with him and she watched as his eyes searched hers. Neither of them saying anything.

“Congratulations.” Miranda mumbled out.

“Thank you.” Ben said. He could see the hurt in Miranda’s eyes. Her eyes were always captivating and doey like. He felt bad. He honestly wasn’t going to tell her about the job, or the move at all.  But he knew now that was wrong. 
Miranda cut her eyes towards Kim and saw her satisfied smirk on her face.

“Bitch.” Miranda mumbled and continued working on her patient.

“Alright. That’s it’s.” Miranda said putting the dressing on the woman’s abdomen.

“Great job Bailey.” Richard said touching her shoulder.

“Thank you chief.” Miranda said smiling.

Miranda walked out with Richard and Kimberly and she began to un gown and wash her hands. She watched as Kimberly and Webber left out of the room.

Miranda looked in the window from the sink and she saw Ben still cleaning his tools. She frowned, the man she loved was leaving and she didn’t want that to happen. Inhaling and taking a huge breath.

“I don’t want you to go.” Miranda said bursting through the door as Ben looked up from cleaning his tools.

“It’s a better job opportunity besides what’s here for me anyway” Ben said seriously.

“I’m here.” Miranda said softly and Ben looked over at her before back down to focus on his instruments.

“I mean I can’t offer you the head of anesthesiology but I can offer you me. I can offer you a future life as your wife and kids, which I didn’t know I wanted more kids until now. “Miranda rambled.

“and a family. I wasn’t ready for that at first but, how could I ever be ready if you’re gone.

“ I love you in the most scary way possible, so you can’t leave. I don’t want you to go.  Gosh I can’t believe I’m saying this, I feel so desperate and stupid because Miranda doesn’t beg anyone but here I am." Miranda rambled once again talking more so to herself than Ben.

“I can’t process the thought of you not being here. I want you Benjamin Warren.” Miranda said loudly. She watched as Ben still looked down at his tools, cleaning.

“Do you hear me Benjamin Warren, I want you and I’m standing here looking a fool in front of you and the least you could do is at least give me eye contact and acknowledge me.” Miranda yelled and pointed at him with her pointer finger.

When Ben didn’t look up still, Miranda got frustrated and stormed over to him, she yanked his hands. Knocking the tools on to the tray.

Grabbing his chin between her pointer finger and thumb, lifting it up to look her in the face.

“Ben I Wan-" Miranda started but was cut off by Ben as his lips crashed onto hers. Miranda was taken back but quickly fell in motion and moved her mouth against his.

Miranda let out an exhale and Ironically, Ben took her breath away but she felt like she could breathe again. She stood on her toes to get closer to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

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