First Day

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His face was scrunched up as if trying not to yell, "Jess, just listen. You don't know what going on, so don't think you can just-"
"Just what?! Question why you're acting like this? I think I can because it my right to know!" He flinched as her voice turned shrill.
"Please, Jess. Just let it go..."
"I-!......." Her voice stopped coming out as tears choked her. "Please. Don't do this to me.." He dropped his gaze to the ground after giving her one last defeated look.
"I'm so sorry...." Turning he started to walk away from Jess.
" Wait! Please! I didn't mean too-" as she started to apologize, she reached for him but only barely brushed his shoulder for he had started to run.
Her vision became blurry and she collapsed to the ground. Unable to hold back the tears any longer. It felt as if her heart were dying, slowly being severed from his.

Jessie had awoke with a gasp and her heart tugged painfully. So now as she sat brushing Dusty before the morning assembly where all students and staff were to attend for the first day, she thought back to her dream. Only it wasn't just a dream, it was a memory. Her eyes filled with tears once more as she thought about it. Angrily wiping her tears away she thought I'm no longer Jess I'm stronger and better off than she ever was.

Jessie stood off to the side of the gym away from everyone else. As a new teacher she was to be introduced last, after the head of every department gave their big spiel about how the year was going to go and what exciting things were happening. Jessie had quickly zoned out not caring for the speeches being delivered and took a look at the student body visible from her spot on the wall. She found several curious gazes focused on herself but once the boys had met her gaze they quickly looked away.

Refocusing her attention to the front of the room, she found Dean Pilipchuck, the principal, nearing the end of his speech. "And I'd now like to call upon on our new teacher for the year Mrs.Santiago will be joining our Spanish department, Mr.Cob with the Social, Mr.Barr will be joining Industrial Arts, and Mr.Coleman is Math. Everyone, we also have a new teacher in our Equestrian Studies but will be focusing more on the Western Style, Miss. Jessie Biggart. Thank you, for your time everyone please go do as you please until lunch where you will follow your appropriate timetables. Good day."

The principal descended from he podium with a subdued applause from the students before heading in Jessie's direction. He smiled once he was close enough to make sure she was herself, he reached his hand out and she shook it.

"Good morning, Miss.Biggart I hope the day is treating you well." His smile was sweet.

"Yes, quite thank you. And yourself." His smiled turned humorous.

"You're mocking me," he teased. His smile grew after her small one was flashed, before he spoke again," you may call me Dean, I've been informed you were not given a schedule for today?" As she shook her head so he continued," well let me be the first to inform you that this first week you and Ian, oh pardon me, Mr.Glenworth will be teaching together. Just till you learn how we work at this school. You will then be free to work with your students as you please."

Jessie sat there silently waiting for him to continue. As he raised an eyebrow she realized he was waiting for a response
"Oh yes, that would be good, thanks." Jessie pushed the words out hurriedly so's to not seem indifferent to the principal.
"We'll have a good day then. I hope you don't mind me calling you Jessie. Miss.Biggart can be quite long." As she nodded her consent he smiled then left after a small wave.

Jessie stood in the same spot for a few moments staring at his distant back, before smiling to herself. Then turning to head back to the barn.

She ran into Mr.Glenworth on the way back so they walked together as he told her the plan for the day. This plan consisted of 4 different set of boys stopping by for their class. Each class or group consisted of 20, or so resulting in a total of about 80 boys. First they would be taken into the class room in the barn which had desks and a white board, where they would be told barn rules and etiquette. Then given a questionnaire where they would answer questions pertaining to equestrian care and usage. This would help Mr.Glenworth assign horses to students for the following class. It seemed like a decent plan but Jessie was worried about where she would fit in these plans for the first week.

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