They arrived back at the barn 10 minutes before the first class was to arrive, so Jessie was sent to go prepare the classroom for the boys arrival. And it didn't take very long.

Jessie had sat down at the desk at the front of the room was and was doodling a flower on one of the blank pieces of paper in front of her. She lifted her head as she heard shuffling feet at the doorway. There stood at least five boys who looked a little startled at her being there. Giving them a gentle smile she spoke,"have a seat."
They seemed almost relieved at her offered and scurried into the room to sit down. Tuning her head she watched Mr.Glenworth walk in with most likely the rest of the students behind him. He walked toward her and lent up against the side of the desk, as he watched every last student take a seat. He then stood and moved to the front of the class once everyone was settled.

"Welcome everyone to Equestrian Studies most of you have been here before and know what I want from you. But just in case. I will have no horsing around in my stables." A few titters circled the room, a glare silenced them efficiently, " you are to treat everyone while you are here with respect whether it be the animals or your fellow humans. I will not have anyone littering or smoking in the premises it's not good for the horses and certainly not good for yourselves. If I find anything vandalized or broken in anyway I will find the perpetrator and punish them severely. Remember what happened last year?" He gaze travelled across the room and several boys dropped his gaze as he met each and everyone's eyes. "Thought so. Don't let it happen again. The rest should be common sense and if you don't already know it, you shouldn't be here at all." Mr.Glenworth let out a breath after the rant. "There is a survey in front of all of you please fill it out honestly because I will know whether you lied or not later on. Begin."

Jessie watched as they all pulled some type of writing utensil from their bags and began to fill out the papers in front of them. All except one. A boy near the back seemed to be already furiously writing and as others pulled pens and pencils from their bags, he was putting his away. After it was safely in his bag he leaned back in his chair seeming to get comfortable. He must have been doing it while Mr.Glenworth was speaking. Her train of thought derailed abruptly as he looked up and met Jessie's gaze. He had blond almost wild hair with light blue almost grey eyes. Causing her to inhale sharply. They stared at each other for a few moments before he looked away, slumped further into his desk and seemed to fall asleep.

The way he sat seemed familiar and as the timer went off at the front of the room, announcing the end of class he slowly sat up then stood from his desk. Oh my. He was tall, like really tall. Even from where Jessie was sitting on the other side of the room she knew he was tall. He then walked briskly from the room leaving her grasping at straws. She knew she had seen this boy before. But where?

The day continued much in the same way as class after class entered then left the classroom. Mr.Glenworth's speech stayed the same and all she did was rise from her chair to collect the filled out forms, replaced them with blank ones then returned to her seat at the front. The only interesting part of her day, other than the familiar boy, was the reactions she received from others. It seemed there was a small female population at the school, and it was restricted to staff only. Although, she definitely stood out being at least 10 years their Junior. Some seemed surprised that she was there, others shocked. But her favourite was when they walked in and she saw, with utter devastation in their eyes. Not in a sadistic way. But it seemed like some of the boys at this school were teased mercilessly by the other boys because when addressed by a female they'd go bright red and stutter. This made Jessie's day. Because she loved to turn tables.

Jessie now sat on the couch with Mr.Glenworth or Ian as he now insisted she call him, discussing how the rest of the week was going to work out.

"The first half of tomorrow we will have 2 new sets of student that we will have to repeat today's lesson with them. The second half of the day with the groups we already worked with, I will have assigned horses to each student. These horses will not be permanent because after the first week I often have to shuffle match ups because kids lie on the survey and also we will know who will need a western trained horse." He said the last part with a smile and a wink. "They will be given the task of mucking out their horses stall and grooming them accordingly. Several student will only do have their stall because we have lots of kids with double horses. But some will be forced to clean the alleyway of the stable or empty the wheelbarrows." He leaned back and tapped his finger on his knee. "I do believe that everything but if you do have questions please come to me and I will do my best to answer them."

Jessie smiled at Ian. She thanked then assured him that she would come to him if she had questions. Getting up from the couch she bid him goodnight and headed into her room. Hopefully tonight she would sleep better.
Her sleep was restless at first by a pair of daring green eyes but we're soon overwhelmed by, a daunting set of blue ones.

Whoop there it is! There is my second chapter hope it's fantastic the above picture is Mason Dye he is so cute and I just love blonde guys. Like who doesn't? Thanks so much for reading you guys are da bomb.
* The above shows that I am apparently a little hyperactive due to it being midnight.

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