chapter thirty-two

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I fell to the floor as a sharp pain made me lose my balance. I was contemplating on what to do when I felt a liquid like water flowing from my dress. My water had broke.

But the doctor had said I wasn't going into labour  until next week. I totally was not prepared for this my mother wasnt even around.

The sharp pains scorched me and the intensely stinging aches were too horrid for me to cry. I whimpered crawling until I opened the door and yelled for help. I didnt have a phone and we hadn't paid for our phone bill.

Finally out of the blue our neighbour came and forced me into his car I couldn't fit.

We reached the hospital I'd registered for birth and after that i passed out.


"Oliver honey I'm asking you to push" my mother yelled for the fifth time. I was tired this was taking long it didnt take this long in movies.

"" she said out of breathe

"Carter!" I screamed pushing with all the hatred I felt towards him for doing this to me. I pushed out of the hate I beared for him and the love I had for my child.

"Push" my mother repeated but I couldnt

"No I'm tired this baby doesnt want to come out it's not my fault"

"You're just angry" my mother said

"Its not my fault and I'm not angry!" I yelled

"Oliver fucking push" my mother cussed .

"I'm trying" I said barely putting any effort yet the pain kept coming

"Try harder" she urged

"Easy for you to say" i muttered angrily

"Push , push , push!" My mother said hitting me

And the little anger I had helped me push

"Fucking Push!" My mother yelled in my ears once more

"I still want my ears to hear mother!" I screamed

"Harder I can see the head now" said the doctor .

"Fuck!!" I cussed sweating pushing endlessly

"Oliver push right now!" My mother urged

And I pushed with all I had,  I heard a faint cry and the doctor saying " I got it"  then i passed out again that day.

"Its a boy" my mother said once I was conscious " hold him" she insisted  handing over the baby to me
"he's beautiful" she said wiping her tears once I'd taken hold of the baby.

He looked like a carbon copy of Carter.  I mean it this isnt just me being paranoid.  He had the same nose , same hair same lips , same ears I just hoped his eyes were blue like mine not grey.

I had my fingers crossed .

A few days later he opened his eyes.
They were grey and I nearly cried this wasnt fair.

"I'll give you foods he needs to consume after six months meanwhile he's okay. He's healthy no difficulties which is shocking considering your pregnancy"
Doctor Dietrich said yes he still existed.

"Thank you doctor" I said filling my discharge form.

I had my baby and I was extremely happy.  Though I still had a space in my heart due to Carter I fine for now.

For the first time I felt complete.


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