Chapter 2

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I woke up on a roof. I looked around and saw something peculiar. Roman and a band of Junior's goons.

"Oh crap." Was all I said. It was episode one.

I then looked at myself.

I was wearing a white T-shirt, a green bomber jacket, blue jeans, and had black high quality sneakers. I also had a analog watch with a black face, white marking and a black leather band.  I checked my pockets. I had a wallet with 500 lien in it. A combat knife. And a scroll with infinite battery. "Thank you god!" Was all I said.

Now then. What to do? Should I let them be and not interfere? No I need to make myself known. Then I thought of something. When Ruby deals with the goons I'll grab their money and weapons. Then go up and fire at Cinder. I should be able to get a shot off. That'll get Ozma's attention.

With a plan in mind I moved down a nearby ladder to the ground, waited a good minute then:


A goon flew out the window. Showtime. I sprinted to the body and grabbed his gun. When the other guys looked out the window I immediately returned fire. Being careful to not hit a dust canister. I looked at Ruby and said "What are you waiting for?!? Open fire!" I then scored a guy in the leg and ran out of ammo. One of the goons saw this and took aim at me before a sniper shot hit him in the leg. I looked to Ruby who had her scythe in gun form. I gave her a thumbs up and looked at roman who was sprinting away.

Acting on instinct I booked it and got my knife out. Roman looked back hearing me and was met with me tackling him and pinning him and putting my knife to his neck. "You try to talk I will slit your throat." He closed his mouth. "Good." I then picked his face up and slammed it into the ground. Knocking him out cold. I punched him in the face just to be sure. I walked over to his cane and picked it up.

"This could be useful." I said. I picked Roman up and walked back to Ruby.

"Hey kid." I said.

"Oh! Hey! Thanks for the help!" She said back.

"Those were some fancy moves. Where'd you learn?" I asked.

"I learned at signal." She said matter of factly. 

"What about you?" She asked.

Oh shit. How am I supposed to respond to her? I really just relied on instinct! Wait a minute.

"I didn't. That my little friend is called instinct." I said. We were then trapped in an orb of purple light. Oh crap its Goodwitch.

10 minutes later

I was sitting in front of Ozpin. And I have my scroll on recording. Perfect. Time for a little negotiation.

"I won't join beacon." I said. "I ain't as stupid as the kid."

"How did you know I was going to-" He started.

"The same way I know who you are OZMA." I said. He froze up. Perfect. I now own this conversation.

"I'm going to be straight with you. I don't care about your past. All I care about is getting paid for helping bring in Roman along with getting my aura unlocked."

"Who are you?" Was all he said.

"The name is Manus. And the lord has sent me to clean up your mess. I'll take my payment in cash thank you." I said with a straight face.

"Al-alright. Just don't tell anyone." Ozpin said.

"Good." I said as I walked over to him and kneeled.

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