Chapter 30: защита

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Canada got a bit of an devilish look. "I was watching your country's hockey team, not bad."

"Well thank you." Russia said. Canada put his head up like he was onto something.

"You know, me and you played against America and England, piece of cake, but you and me never played against each other." Canada smiled devilishly, Russia smiled.

"Interesting. So. You would like to play a round of hockey with me? I'm guessing we could play up to 20 points again?"


"Sounds amusing. Hmm." Russia said. "That's first on our list."

"Good!" Canada smiled.

"Matvey. I won't go easy on you. Are you sure you want to play?"

"I'm sure. That just means I can go all out on you."

"I like that sparkle in your eye Matvey." Russia said. "You look ready to go already. Alright. We'll go there first."

"Yay~" Canada cheered.

Russia drove to a ice rink he went to often, he liked playing against some of the teams he had, it was fun. Canada looked very happy going into the rink, Russia was a little amused by it. He knew the Canadian had some skill, but now he was going against Russia, and he was smiling about it? Poor boy doesn't know what's coming to him, Russia thought.

Russia was about to rent out the rink for an hour, no one was there anyway so it was cheap. The two went into the locker room and started to find gear that would fit them, especially seeing if it would fit a smallish boy like Canada. He managed to find some though, it worked out after all. Russia looked over at the boy every few minutes, he wasn't sure if playing against a weakened Canada would be a good idea for the boy, but it was his idea in the first place. "Put the face-shield masks on." Canada said putting his own on.

"Why? I never use that." Russia said.

"Just use it. My aim might be a little off today and I don't want to ruin your 'beautiful' face." Canada joked a bit.

"Alright if you say so." Russia put the helmet on. "Ready?"

"Yup!" Canada said. The two made their way outside the locker room and onto the ice, Kumajirou sitting on the side lines watching. Canada grabbed the puck on the way out and threw it on the ground to start. "So you ready for this?"

"Da. You?"

"Yup!" the two skated out to the center of the rink and threw the puck down. "Ready andddd, go!" The two of them both went after the puck.

Russia was in a bit of shock when he realized the puck was gone already! He looked around and behind him to see Canada had already scored! "H-How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Canada made his way back to the center were Russia was still standing.

"That! You scored already!"

"So?" Canada dropped the puck down again. "You ready?" Russia got prepared this time, he wouldn't let the boy score again.

"Da." Russia got ready.

"Ding!" Kumajirou yelled to start off a new round. The two both went for the puck and Russia was the first to get it. He started to skate toward the opposite goal when the Canadian rammed into him, almost pushing him backwards to the ice too. Canada quickly got the puck away and shot from where he stood, getting it into Russia's goal.

"Score!" Canada laughed and threw his fist into the air. Russia stood there dazed at what happened, how could that boy almost knock him over? He felt like a wall rammed him!

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