Summer Endings

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Sam Uley POV* Mom had just crawled in from an overnight shift and was going to bed and Dad was...God knows where I made eggs and toast while downing my protein shake as Embry came downstairs putting on his shirt making a face at the shake "what?" I said and he rolls his eyes "you just scream douchey jock" he chuckled "HAZEL! Breakfast!" I shouted up the stairs at her closed door rolling my eyes as her music blared "don't know if we'll get a response, I heard through the grapevine her and Nate are on the outs again" "Fuckkkk" I groaned going back to the kitchen.

Embry POV/* "Finally little shit" i spat as she saunters down the stairs in her skimpy uniform while it fucking rained outside "the fuck is your jacket." Sam comments putting on his own coat on que "I don't get cold easily" she murmurs walking past us to the door "you made me late" I flat tire her following as Sam locks the front door "hey!" She screams as I race to the front seat of dads truck hopping in avoiding the mud and rain. "Hate you" she growls behind me a few moments later, as Sam unphased gets into the driver seat warming up the truck... He looked nervous and even more serious than usual. "Y'all are gunna win don't trip" I say comforting but only low enough so only we could hear over the loud engine roaring, he didn't say much just his hands tightened on the steering wheel turning his knuckles white and he gave me a small nod in return. We were cool at home but at school we ran in completely different crowds... why he liked all that pressure from dad I'd never know.. lighting a joint rolling the window we head off across the boarder to forks high...

Juliette POV/* I had forgotten about fucking school.. so caught up in my crush wondering my house and hiding my emotions from jasper I couldn't think! Embrys text bought me back to reality as I finished up my hair, realizing I'm running late!!!
"Where you at smarty pants" I smiled at it and nearly ran right into Matt and Carlisle on the way out the door "Running late?" My uncle smiles at me "uh huh" I barley say as Mathew Sterling his student now my teacher stood smirking at me... "Mathew will walk you out " my uncle smiles at me like somehow he knew I was late to this guys fucking class... ugh. Walking slowly seeing no point in rushing if the teacher was late himself I go to the garage "Good morning Juliette" he says smoothly behind me "Good morning" I say back unlocking my car "where'd the hussle go?" He says with a smirk as he gets in his Ford charger "you're late yourself!" I smile he shrugs then "I'm the teacher... don't be late Julie" "wh-" I wasn't able to finish before he speeds off leaving me dumb founded for a moment.I get a text as I'm responding to Embry "omw" from Matt "see me after class"

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