Chapter 6

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When Blind dropped me by my dorm, I got a text and it was Aiger

Hey yo, I want to invite you in bar, It's not far away its just some few blocks away from school, It's a short place nearby the Joe's pizzaria, See you there ; )

I was a little confuse but yet I got up and went there

-At the bar-

When I walked, Some few people saw me but they looked away, When I walking by I saw Delta at the table talking to a employee, I smiled and walked to him

Hey Delta, I smiled and sit next to him

He looks at me and sighs, Don't tell me, You were invited by Aiger too

H-how did you know

He invited me here, Bet he spying on us

Oh uh well Why would he invite us both here

I don't know, He sips on his cup of tequila

I look away

So wanna have a tequila with me, He saids

Uh I don't drink, I said

Well guess this innocents boy needs to become a baddy, One Tequila sunrise and one paloma, He ordered

I couldn't say anything, Then the waiter brings us two tequila drinks, One was the sunrise with was yellow and orange and the other one was the paloma which was a peachy color

Choose one, He smirks

I look at the alcoholic drinks and grabbed the Sunrise, Delta grabbed the Paloma

When I sipped on it, It was burning my tongue and throat, I did the weird face, Delta burst out laughing

Oh my god, You're so hilarious, He laughed more

I got mad and drink on the whole thing, Delta just looked

It actually tasted a little good, and So did I felted good, I asked for another one

Woah Dante, He said

W-what, I hiccuped

He smirked and sipped on his drinked

I started to drink more, I didn't knew how many I drinked, I had to count on the cups and it was seven? Oh well, It feels good to be drunk, I laughed, teased and talked to Delta and some other few guys

Ok Dante, That's enough tequila for the night, He grabs my wrist and walks, I kept stopping him cause I wanted more, He pulls me but I kept stopping him, There is where Delta had to carry me over his shoulder, I kept punching his back

I said that's enough tequila for the night, We have to go back to our dorms, Delta groaned

But I want more, I punched his back really hard that Delta puts me down and carries me bridal style, Yet it made me more angry

When we got to our dorm, Delta finally put me down and opens the door, I tried to run away but Delta grabs my shirt so I wont run away, When we walked in, There was Arman and Ichika talking

Hey Delta Whats up, Arman said

It's for whats coming in, Delta pushes me to the couch

Arman comes to me and sniffs, Woah, Dante since when you been a baddy, He chuckles

I didn't meant to get him that drunk, Delta shrugs

Ichika slaps Delta, Why did you gave him alcoholic drinks

Cause he never drinked before, I didn't meant to get him that drunk

Well you shouldn't, She yelled

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