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Miyasaki together with her classmates stood inside the train station as they were addressed by their homeroom teacher.

All of the students were packed and ready for their internships at the agency of their choice. It was obvious that most of the group were buzzing with excitement. Some couldn't help but fidget in their spot. Today marks a new stepping stone in their dreams of becoming a hero, after all.

As Miyasaki stood at the back of the group, she wondered what it is like to have such a positive outlook on the world. Seeing the eager faces of her classmates made her think of how much she had never experienced before. She couldn't relate to it. The feeling of a healthy sense of joy never once came to her when it came to her training sessions.

Yes... not once.

A familiar heavy feeling in her chest crept up once again. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing. It wouldn't do anyone good to see her suddenly in a state out in public.

This isn't the time to dwell on things!

Shaking her head, she steered her thoughts to that of her friends. Speaking of which, when Uraraka had shared the news that she was interning at Gunhead's agency Miyasaki made the unfortunate mistake of mentioning that she had little to no idea who that pro hero was. Uraraka ended up giving her an 'Are you serious?!' look before giving her a whole explanation of who the pro hero was. Let's just say they didn't get much sleep that night.

Midoriya on the other hand had mentioned over a call the other day that All Might had approached him with good news. All Might's former homeroom teacher had given an offer for his internship. Both men were pleasantly surprised by the unexpected invitation as they hadn't imagined that the teacher would reach out for this.

But before she could ask more about it, she got distracted by the fact that the broccoli mentioned how All Might - the number one hero, his idol, was quaking in fear at the thought of this man as he talked to him over the phone. Though it scared Midoriya out of his mind, it just further piqued her interest in finding out who this person was.

As for Iida, Uraraka said that he made a decision to go to the city of Hosu. This didn't come as a surprise for her. She had seen the news about his brother. The so-called "Hero Killer", Stain, was prowling Hosu City at the moment. She had an inkling that Iida's recent anger was directed towards that man.

Her bubbly friend expressed her concerns about this but Miyasaki merely listened and didn't voice her opinion on it. Anger, of all things, was an emotion that Miyasaki understood and was all too familiar with.

Too absorbed in her own thoughts, she failed to listen to the last of Aizawa's reminders and the fact that he had just dismissed them. The rest of the class dispersed to stand in line as they waited for their respective trains while Miyasaki stayed rooted to her spot.

She absently stared at the tiles beneath her feet before she felt someone brush past her. Her attention was drawn back to reality as she watched as Midoriya call after Iida with Uraraka following closely behind him. It seems that Midoriya had a few parting words for their friend as Miyasaki caught the tail end of it.

"We're friends, right?" Midoriya said.


Iida turned and smiled at them but Miyasaki could see the grim look in his eyes, "Yeah."

For a split second, Miyasaki thought about leaving without even saying goodbye to him but something in her stopped her from walking away. Instead, her body decided to move on its own before Tenya could leave. Iida went as still as a statue when she suddenly appeared in his line of sight. She may or may not have given him a bit of a scare because he was gripping his bag more tightly than usual.

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