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By the time Miyasaki had finished explaining things to her friends, Uraraka and Deku were clutching onto each other as they cried their eyes out in front of her.

To say that she was at a loss was an understatement. To be honest with herself, she had expected this kind of reaction from Izuku but she didn't expect Ochaco to cry as well.

Human interactions were something she still wasn't used to. She had to work on that.

The three pros who were in the kitchen had heard the sniffling and momentarily stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards them.

"Uh, what's happening?" Hizashi whispered towards the other two when they saw that their students were crying on the sofa.

"They're crying." All Might whispered back.

"I know! I meant, why are they crying?" Yamada rolled his eyes, whisper yelling.

"I have no clue whatsoever," All Might said, glancing worriedly towards the living room.

"Get back to chopping those vegetables, Yamada. Give them their privacy." Aizawa grumbled, taking his attention back to cooking. He didn't want to have burnt food for dinner. Cooking another batch of food and wasting ingredients would be irrational.

"But I'm already done with those!" Hizashi whined.

Irk marks appeared on Aizawa's forehead as he used a wooden spoon to whack the blonde in the head.

"Then go set the table! Stop making it so obvious that we can hear them."

Yamada grumbled under his breath as he moved to set the table. Aizawa's glare shifted to the other blonde making All Might sweatdrop.

"I-I'll start baking the dessert!" He said before dashing towards the mixing bowl he had placed on the countertop. Aizawa sighed and focused back on cooking the food.

As they were all preoccupied, they failed to notice Nezu's car pulling up the driveway.

"H-How c-could they do such things!" Uraraka hiccuped.

"I'm so relieved you aren't there anymore, Masuyo-san!" Deku sniffled as he wiped the snot off of his face with his jacket sleeve.

"Uh... Thanks, I guess?" Miyasaki scratched the back of her head.

Right on cue, Nezu entered the house and walked in on two UA students crying on his living room sofa with Miyasaki sitting awkwardly beside them. He turned to the three pro heroes who were staring at him having heard the front door open but all they did was shrug and point toward his ward.

 Nezu shook his head and smiled, "It looks like we have more guests tonight."

Miyasaki's eyes snapped towards her guardian and gave a sheepish look, "Yeah. Sorry about that. I forgot to call you that I was bringing home some classmates today."

"It's fine, dear," He said lightly before examining their guests.

"I do believe we have tissues in the cupboard. Why don't you go get them some, Miyasaki?" He suggested.

She quickly obeyed and retrieved them from the said cupboard. She gave her friends each a tissue roll of their own.

"Gomen, we didn't mean for you to walk into us like this, Principal Nezu," Uraraka said through her stuffy nose.

"It is alright, dear. May I ask what happened to see both of you in such a state?"

"Miyasaki-san invited us over so she could tell us about her past, sir," Deku said, calming down from his crying episode. 

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