"Yea dad might know, the Ministry usually tells him everything." Ginny agrees hoping they can get some insight.

Getting an idea in his head Blaise says, "Well what if we came up with our own investigation. I mean if dad doesn't know then someone around here has to."

"What exactly do you mean by investigation?" Draco asks continuing to eat his mashed potatoes and chicken.

"Well you four do rounds together anyways." Blaise says as she gestures to Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Draco. "So you take me, Pansy, and Luna along so we not only have extra hands if anything happens but we can also see if we can hear anything after hours from the Professors." Blaise explains with a smile.

They all thought for a moment before Hermione said, "I mean Draco and I are the Head Prefects so we take the blame if we get caught, not much will happen to us."

"I agree, plus with this cloaked figure we could use all the wands we can get." Draco chimed in as Hermione smiles at him.

"As long as I can get out of Ravenclaw tower I'm in!" Luna agrees. "Same." Pansy says gesturing to Blaise and herself. "Normally they fucking guard the doors like no tomorrow but we'll figure it out."

"Perfect! If something is going on around here... we'll find out for sure." Ginny says.

Switching up the conversation Pansy speaks up. "We should go and do something fun tonight to take our minds off all this fucking rubbish!"

"What exactly do you suppose we could do Parkinson ?" Draco asked.

"Well it is a beautiful night out, we could find a spot to go, throw up some lights with music and have a little dance party of our own! I'm dying to dance under the stars, especially with all this doom and gloom hovering over us." Pansy says, "Although I'm not sure exactly where we could go."

Luna instantly jumped in, "I know the perfect spot! I always used to hang out by the black lake. There's a tree that blocks us from the castle so we won't get caught!"

"I'm in!" Hermione said as everyone else's agreements flew into the conversation.

Just as Harry was about to talk he saw McGonagall scurry out of the Great Hall though the smaller door only Professors could go through. "Alright there is no doubt in my mind McGonagall is acting strange. She just booked it out of here."

They all turned to see half of the Professors and McGonagall home from their seats. Although the ones that were still there were looking not so happy to be.

"There has to be a meeting going on. Why else would they all get up and leave during dinner? I bet the Ministry is here." Hermione says as she turns back towards her friends.

"Alright so maybe we all go down to the Black Lake and two of us stay behind to see if we see anything in the Halls." Pansy says.

"If we go walking around the halls eavesdropping someone is bound to see us and know we are trying to listen in." Draco jumps in.

"Not necessarily..." Ginny says as everyone turns towards her. "You and Hermione are the Head Prefects, if anyone sees you then all you have to say is you were doing extra patrols to make sure nothing is going wrong." she says with a smirk.

"Ginny is right..." Harry chimes in as Hermione turns to look at Draco, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"So we'll be spies?" Draco says quite obviously not amused.

Sighing, Ginny says, "Not spies just.... Head Prefects doing a round before our night under the stars!"

Still not amused he turns to Hermione, "Miss Hermione Granger, goody two shoes, you want to go spy before we go down?" he questions.

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