Chapter Twenty-Five

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"You can't just walk in," I grab hold of Luke's arm, pulling him back harshly, "knock first," Reggie nods, pushing his hand through the door to knock on it; The four of us were ready for our performance, and came to check on Julie to make sure she is too.

"What are you guys doing?" She calls out, chuckling lightly with amusement.

"We're classy," Reggie informed her, sticking his face through the door; I pull him back, walking ahead of the boys into Julie's bedroom.

"Why aren't you ready?" I ask her, taking note that she was still in her school clothes; I usually wouldn't care, but she made me change, so it's only fair she gets ready too. "We're going in like twenty minutes."

"I lied to my dad," She admits to us, glancing down at her bed, "so now I'm stuck in my room all night."

"Yeah, but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like VIPs, managers." Alex explains, moving his hands around as he speaks, "it's kinda crazy." The other boys nod in agreement; the three of them had been talking about it non-stop since their visit.

"What are we gonna do about my aunt?" Julie asked, "She's right downstairs." I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement.

"Oh sweet, innocent Julie," I smirk at her, making my way to her windowsill; I observe the distance between her window and the ground, I've climbed larger distances, "you're not taking the stairs."

"W-what?" Julie stuttered, clearly nervous about my idea.

"Trust me, you'll be fine," I reassure her, "I used to sneak out of my bedroom all the time, and it was higher than this." Julie glanced over at the boys, unsure; all of them nodded in agreement.

"Okay," She gave in, "Let me get dressed; I'll meet you guys there." The boys nod, all poofing out of the bedroom.

"See ya, Jules," I salute her, poofing out of the room and into the packed café. I poof next to the boys, who are watching some random band perform. The boys and I stand together, watching as different groups perform, most of them being mediocre at best.

"Next up, Dirty Candy," The announcer called; I cringed at the familiar pink haired girl walking onto the stage; My eyes traveled the room as she spoke, suddenly uninterested.

"Hey, look," I nudge Luke's arm, nodding towards our other bandmate, "let's go stand with Julie." The boys nod, and we poof away, standing behind Julie and Flynn. I crossed my arms stubbornly as we watched; as much as I hated to admit it, this song was kind of a bop, as Flynn would say. We continue watching until my brother poofs onto the stage suddenly.

"What?" Julie asks, turning to look at the boys and me; I shrug; I'm shocked he didn't poof into the last performance of theirs that we watched. Alex eventually gets into the flow of the routine, mimicking Carrie's moves as she dances around the stage; Alex spins around before poofing over to us.

"You having fun out there," Julie asks, smiling teasingly at my brother.

"My brother has always been quite the dancer," I inform Julie, tapping his shoulder playfully.

"It's not my fault; it's my um" Alex clears his throat, "it's my feet."

"Sure," I say sarcastically, nodding my head.

"Put me back in the coach," Alex mumbles, poofing himself onto the stage again.

"Oh, it's the guys," Julie explains to her confused friend.

"Don't bring me into this," I tell her, holding my hands up in defense.

"You're just jealous that Alex is a better dancer," Luke smirks at me, leaning forward to look at me; I smirked back before fully turning my attention back to my brother. As soon as the performance ends, the crowd erupts into applause; I do too, just not for the same reason.

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