Chapter Nine

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"Hey guys," I call to the three of them; they all stop skipping and look back at me, "I have something I need to do; I'll meet you in the studio."

"Do you want me to come," Alex asks; concern evident on his face; I think for a moment, unsure of whether or not Alex would want to come visit them with me or not.

"Um, sure," I nod; they were his parents too, after all. Alex walks over to me, and I take his hand, poofing to our old home.

"I figured this was where you were taking us," Alex admitted; I squeezed his hand tightly and let go, staring up at the house in front of us. "Do you think they're still here?"

"I guess we should find out," I sigh, poofing into my old house; Alex poofs in next to me moments later. We were in my old bedroom, everything was the same; my walls were covered in posters of bands I loved, my bed was made messily, and lights were hung haphazardly along the walls.

"Mom always hated your room," Alex spoke; I nodded, moving to look at the posters on my wall; I hadn't been in here since we ran out. "Remember when we painted your walls?" Alex asks; I chuckle lightly at the memory; mom freaked when she saw the dark grey color I'd chosen; I was shocked to see she hadn't changed it in my absence.

"I guess this means they're still here?" I finally speak, turning to face my brother. Alex nodded and gestured to the door, I walked through the wall, and Alex followed. Everything looked the same, except for instead of the picture-perfect family photos hung on the walls, there were photos of just Alex and me. I nudged Alex, gesturing for him to look at the images; there were some of us dressed up for Halloween as kids, goofy photos of the two of us from our first school dance, and even pictures of the band.

"Mom hated these photos," I state; I remember clearly how upset my mother was that I didn't want to be a princess for Halloween or how mad she got when I refused to wear a frilly dress. These were the photos she always hid away, but now here they were, displayed for everyone who entered our old home to see. Alex and I walk down the stairs together, glancing around the house as we do so; every photo had been replaced with ones of Alex and I.

"Honey," I heard my mother's voice called out; I glanced at Alex with wide eyes, suddenly nervous to see our parents.

"Coming," My father called out; I looked behind me and saw my dad; he looked older than when I last saw him, which makes sense, considering how long my brother and I had been gone.

"Come on," I grabbed my brothers' hand and led him into the kitchen; he followed behind hesitantly. The last time either of us saw our parents was when he came out to them; let's just say they didn't react well. Both of us walked into the kitchen, where my parents sat at the table for lunch together.

"Do you remember how much Charlie and Alex loved these?" My mother asked, cutting into the pancakes she's cooked. "Charlie would always get syrup stuck in her hair, and Alex would make faces out of the whipped cream." She reminisced; My father smiled sadly at the memory, nodding his head. I think back to all the times my mother got upset with me as a child for being a messy eater; it was weird to hear her fondly reminiscing about it. "Do you think they'd forgive us?" My mom asked him after a minute of silence; My heart dropped at her question, "They deserved better than us if it wasn't for us they-"

"Charlotte," My dad cut my mom off, reaching to place his hand over hers, "Remember what Dr. Susan said, we have to stop blaming ourselves for what happened to them." I looked over at Alex and saw a tear fall from his eye. "Why don't we go to visit them later?" My dad recommended; my mom smiled lightly, nodding her head at the suggestion.

"Alex," I finally speak, my voice cracks slightly, "I- can we leave?" Alex nods, and the two of us poof back into the studio together.

"That was a lot," Alex mumbles; I nod in agreement, moving to sit on the couch.

"They miss us," I sigh, running my hands through my hair. "All I've ever wanted was for mom and dad to accept us the way we are, and now they finally do, but we're dead."

"It sucks," Alex agrees, sitting next to me on the couch. The two of us sit in silence, both overwhelmed by the events of this afternoon. I glanced around the room, realizing my other two bandmates weren't there.

"Hey Alex," My brother looks up at me, nodding for me to continue, "Where are Luke and Reggie?" Alex groans and puts his head into his hands.

"Why does it always feel like the two of us are babysitting them?" Alex complains; I chuckle at how dramatic he's being.

"Because we're always babysitting them," I answer; Alex groans again, standing up from the couch.

"Come on," Alex gestures for me to stand, and I sigh, standing up from the comfortable couch. "I think I know where they are."

^^  Charlie's bedroom •Happy Halloween everyone, I hope you all have a fun and safe night, comment below what your being for Halloween, I wanna know:) (I may or may not be dressed up as Luke right now🙈)

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^^ Charlie's bedroom

Happy Halloween everyone, I hope you all have a fun and safe night, comment below what your being for Halloween, I wanna know:) (I may or may not be dressed up as Luke right now🙈)

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