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hi this is the author! you'll usually see me at the bottom of the chapters, and if you've read my other stories, you've met me! anyways, let's talk about the story!

so this story is based in a world where there is no bending. at all. oh! it's also modern! i'm also currently writing a Zukka story that is in this au, and is the main part of this au! it's called The School of Ba Sing Se! you don't have to read it, ofc, but i'd really appreciate if you did!

this is gonna be a lot more slow-burn than the main story. also, this takes place before the main story, but there may be some parts toward the end that'll be during the main story. and since this takes place before, there may not be many ATLA characters in it, sorry. (Zuko will be there tho)

okay i'll stop talking now!

btw, if you came directly from the main story, or my announcement about this story, the first chapter will probably be up tomorrow or the next day since i'm quarantined and have time to write and really wanna write this thing!

see you in the footnotes! -Em

The Earth Prince Goes to High School ( Wuko x The School of Ba Sing Se)Where stories live. Discover now