Setting the rifle down, I pick up the binoculars and look through them over at the next building.

My targets sitting in her office, just like the file said. Moments later a man walks into the office and the two of them have dinner.

Placing the binoculars down, I pick up my rifle and set it in front of me. Looking through the telescopic optic, I watch them closely and aim.

Once the targets are in place and I'm ready to shoot, my fuckin phone rings.

Sighing I pull it out, "Hello?"

"Hi, who this?" my angel asks making me smile.

"It's Dae Ryeon Angel," I answer while looking through the telescopic optic again.

"Hi Dae," he greets again shyly.

"Hello Angel, what can I do for you?" I ask him and can hear his breathing hitch slightly.

"Nothing," He answers bluntly making me chuckle.

"Alright, what are you too?" I ask.

"Swing on chair," he answer and I hum.

"Okay be careful angel, don't fall off," I say while switching to my Bluetooth earpiece.

"I no fall Dae. If fall, I land on mama," he suddenly says making me confused.

"Why would you land on your mama?"

"She softer than floor," he answers making me frown.

"I see, well, I can't imagine you falling on your mother, just be careful okay."


"..." I stay silent while listening to him breathing over the call while I myself calm my breathing as the two start making out.


"Why you no speak Dae?" he asks while I steady myself.

"Well..." I answer with a trail and pull the trigger. I watch as they both drop to the ground in each other's arms.

"Well..." I reply and I hear him exhale.

"Okay angel I'm all yours now, what would you like to talk about?" I ask as I start packing up

"I no know," he answers making me smile as I walk down the steps.

"Alright, did you ask your parents for permission?" I ask reaching the last set of steps.

"Mn, papa and mama say yes. Papa make Tarryin no ask questions and write list for me. Papa say he speak with you before you take me away whole day and one uncle going to follow us."

"Ah I see, why is your sister writing a list?" I ask getting into my car and start the engine up.

"I no know where to go. You say we do what I want and she write all things down."

"That's a good idea since we'll be spending the whole day together, won't you get tired?"

"I no know," he answers as I reach the highway.

"We'll deal with it then, did you do your homework?"

"Later, you?"

"I already did, Angel," I lie, maybe I shouldn't lie to him.

"Mn, k, you still phone later?" he asks me which makes me laugh. "Why you laugh?" He asks.

"Do you like speaking to me?" I ask while looking into the rearview mirror.


"Then I'll phone you always," I say while opening my wallet and taking out a stick of strawberry mint gum.

Taylum and His Innocence [BL] | ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant