iii | james potter

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Many people believed that James Sirius Potter was exactly like his grandfather and namesake. They would be wrong.

In fact, James Potter was almost nothing like his grandfather. Yes, he had the black hair and love of pranking, but apart from that. He wasn't obsessed with a redhead, he never bullied anyone no matter who they were, he didn't hate Slytherins and he fell for a Hufflepuff, not a Gryffindor.

The people who knew him thought he was annoying, but not a player, like the people who didn't know him. In fact, he was actually quite childish, making some people very irritated.

He did share a few things with his grandfather though. For one, his love for Quidditch, and being a bloody good chaser too, but also for his maturity, his realising how he was acting and changed that, he understood the reason people found him annoying. Not exactly the same, but his parents were proud of him all the same, and he was sure his grandparents were too.

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