4 - The Start of Hunters' Prep

Start from the beginning

Reina, Pauline, and Mavis: That's still a lie.

Y/n and Yui: She doesn't seem like she's lying about that.

Mile: Ah! Only the crossdresser and the fairy believe me! What are the other three going to do? Put me on trial?! Have a space-time in quest?! Maybe even torture me!!!!

Mile: What strange tactics will those three use to uncover my secrets?!?!

Reina: Look, Y/n was it?

Y/n: *Kazuma voice* That's my name.

Reina: We weren't able to get anything out of Mile, so you might say something. So, tell us all how you-

We then hear a bell ring, interrupting Reina.

Mavis: I guess it's time.

Y/n: Time for what?

Pauline: The new student orientation.

Y/n: I guess that would be a bit of a help. Besides, I can already tell that Reina is not going to let me off the hook when it comes to my powers.

The four girls walk off, Reina being last to leave. She then looks at me with cold, determined eyes. She then shuts the door on her way out.

Y/n: With that look in her eyes, I need to make some sort of alibi about how I got my powers. After all, I don't think they'll believe in a simple death being the cause.


Location: Outside Hunters' Prep School

As Y/n goes outside, as Yui stayed back in their dorm room, the one who registered Y/n at the school then walks up and introduces himself.

Elbert: I'm Elbert, the school principal and instructor. It's my job here at Hunters' Prep to cram what you would normally learn over several years through your own experience into a six-month program. The training will be brutal, and if you manage to graduate, you'll be rewarded a D-rank.

The other students then begin to gossip over it

Y/n: D-rank huh? Well, if it's a grading system back home in America, it must mean that a D-rank is better than an F-rank.

Elbert: And also, the student with the highest score will be awarded C-rank!

Y/n: Okay, so let's try and get that C-rank. So, I'll hold back a bit, but do what I can to win.

Elbert: First, I'm going to see what you all are capable of.

Elbert then splits everyone into groups and one group at a time works with a sword. Mavis went up and wins her match.

Elbert: That's enough. You're quite skilled Mavis. Nice work.

Mavis: Thank you very much sir.

Elbert: Right! Next pair!

Y/n: You got it!

Y/n then gets up and brings out his the wooden sword that he was given.

Y/n: Alright, time to show this world the power of the Grand-Master of Axel! I hope you pay attention Mavis, because you might want to learn from me!

Y/n then gets up and sees his opponent.

Y/n then gets up and sees his opponent

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