Tale of Despair

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Tsuna arrives at the Arcobaleno manor as fast as he could after he received the letter. He offers a hand and helps Yuni out of the car. He doesn't really wanted to fight. So hopefully the two of them is enough. The bodyguards that was with them merely there for formality since both of them are bosses. She is really the first line of offence, so she knocks on the door, standing upfront.

The answer comes with a scream of his subordinate. Slumped to the ground as his legs are shot. Eyes rounded, everyone hits the ground as the rain of bullet greeted them coldly.

'Snipers' Tsuna shields the younger sky as he dragged her away from the shooting range. 'Shit. Is this for real?!?'

A graze on his cheek. The don knows that it was intentionally a form of warning. They are serious.

"Retreat!!!" He calls out. And thank heavens, they manage to get to their bulletproof car.

"Tch!" The rain stopped as soon nobody is on the open. Not a bullet wasted. Even the one that grazed his cheek has lunged over one of his men.

Thankfully there's no deaths. Although some of the bodyguard might have to retire early from the permanent damage. 

'Damn it' He was enraged. But before he could lash out, firstly he needs to make sure that Yuni is alright.

"I-I'm fine..." The girl said, "Just... shocked. That was"

"Colonnello. No doubt" The brunet doesn't bother to sugarcoat it.

"Tsuna-san, I'm so sorry—"

He gently hushed her. "No, it's alright. You don't know. None of this is your fault, okay? I was reckless. I let my guard down" He tried to smile for her.

"I should have take their warning seriously. Yet here I thought they'd actually be civil because you're around. Sorry for taking advantages of you, Yuni-chan" He apologized back.

"No no. Likewise, it's not your fault, Tsuna-san. L-Let's just think over this more carefully, ne?"

The brunet just nods as they soon arrived back to Vongola manor.


The very next day, Tsuna returned with a convoy of cars. He has storm, rain, and cloud, along with some handpicked people who, not just able to fight. But might be able to convince the Arcobaleno with their terms.

Wary as the door actually gets opened this time, he regrets on celebrating so early. The rain of bullet makes it comeback, unfortunately enough Takeshi was shot on the abdomen before either Hayato or himself could shield the swordsman. 


Everyone hits the ground, darting into positions where they think the fire can't reach them but a glint from a hole in the rooftop also chimes in. His Hyper intuition kicks in.

He pushed his injured Rain out of the way, resulting a bullet to pass his own arm. Nobody would notice yet, he has purposely wears black for the exact reason. Hissing a bit, Tsuna watched as his men gradually fall to the ground. This one is even more fierce than yesterday. He was grateful that he had stopped Yuni from coming along. Still...

Grabing Takeshi— a bullet hole in his stomach bleeding profusely, Tsuna half carries him into the car while he yelled orders to withdraw. Several other people are shot down— Only once they reached the car, The gunfire stops, seemingly waiting.

"—Fucking Bastards" 

"Hayato, NO!!!"

Surviving the bullets, The Storms met in the middle. The kick on his ribs was uncalled for. Then again, Fon wasn't exactly there to say hi.

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