Chapter 12

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The next day OnGoing and Jenny got out of the hotel to see Reshi in his car.

You two get in. said Reshi.

Oh come on bro we're fine we don't need yor help. said OnGoing.

Suddenly the hotel door was bashed down.

These are the two that destroyed our food. said the owner.

OnGoing what did you do? Jenny asked.

OnGoing then got an idea he took some of Jenny and Reshi's money.

Hey is this enough money to get you to leave us alone? OnGoing asked.

Would you look at that I got the wrong people. said the owner as he grabbed the money.

OnGoing and Jenny ran into Reshi's car.

You took our money away. said Jenny with a angry tone.

Look I know but we need to look for the crystal and well you know business people are stupid enough to accept that look I'll pay you back after this is over I promise. OnGoing explained.

Jenny sighed.

You know when first met you a few weeks ago I thought that you were cool always being postive, making jokes some good some bad, helping people in need but then you pulled this stunt and stole some food from a hotel. said Jenny.

Jenny it wasn't me I did nothing I mean why would say that if we didn't do anything. OnGoing paused and started to think about the situation.

OnGoing then realised that he saw someone there from their school.

JT THAT SON OF A. OnGoing exclaimed.

Don't worry OnGoing you escaped so you'll be fine. said Reshi.


Sorry that this one was short but I ran out of time next one will be longer

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