chapter 3.

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Ruby was left alone when Yang was dragged away by her friends against her better judgment. Ruby notices a half open bottle of dust. She was about to pick it up but saw a hand reaching for it as well. And saw a pale skinned girl with white hair and blue eyes.

Ruby: oh I'm sorry. Is this yours?
Weiss: yes it is. Are you feeling alright?
Ruby: no not really. My sister got dragged off by her so called friends but she didn't want to go with them. I'm Ruby Rose. I got here 2 years early by Ozpin because I stopped a dust robbery led by Roman Torchwick.
Weiss: it's nice to meet you. I'm Weiss Schnee.
Ruby: you're the heiress of the Schnee dust company. I hear that your dad uses the faunus as a labor force.
Weiss: yes it's true. And his business partners are very shady. I don't approve of them.
Ruby: what about your mom?
Weiss: she's doing the best she can to reverse the damage my father had done.
Ruby: we'll think about that during our time here.
Weiss: ok.

In the auditorium.

Yang: I'm glad you found me Ruby. They just won't leave me alone.
Ruby: those guys probably wants to have their way with you Yang.
Yang: I know. But I kept telling them that I already gave my virginity to you and that you're my girlfriend.
Weiss: even though she's your sister?
Ruby: *whispers to Weiss* I'm a futa and our virginities to each other.
Weiss: oooohhhh. That makes sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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