"baby?" her voice is soft but deadly. lucy cranes her head to look at her roommate. she nods, squeezing my hand. i look down at our hands and grin.

"yeah, this is my girlfriend." lucy says proudly, making me blush. jades eyebrows finally relax as she just nods and swallows the lump in her throat.

"you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." she says looking at lucy. lucy shrugs, seeming to try and just get out of the room so we could go to class.

"you never asked." lucy says, chuckling. "i'll be back later. i hope you have a good day jade, for my sake." she gives a small wave, making jade pause before rolling her eyes. i almost laugh, but i'm shoved softly out of the room by lucy.

we start walking down the hall, our hands still intertwined. i look over at her as we wait for the elevator. "so..jade.." i honestly don't know where i was going with my words. lucy shakes her head, scrunching her nose.

"she's mean but i will make her like me. and you. hopefully ourselves and our roommates could get close so we could have a friend group." she says happily, leaving me to nod. that would be good, being a loner in college doesn't seem fun.

after about five minutes of walking, we make it to our class. if you're wondering, lucy and i have the same major so we got put in some of the same classes. we take our seats and i check my phone quick. no message from kenzie yet this morning.

"you okay?" i hear beside me. i turn off my phone, nodding.

"yeah. anxious." i tell her, placing my book comfortably on my lap. i put my phone on top of it and relax myself. i didn't lie, i am anxious for this first class. i hope everything works out.

"we are going to do great. i love you." she gives me cute puppy dog eyes, making it impossible for me to be nervous and/or have a scared face on.

"i love you." i say back, watching as the male teacher walk in. ahh here we go.

[after classes]

"are you kidding me babe, i already have an essay and then i have some sort of organizer to fill out and i had to introduce myself in front of a class like what the actual-"

"hey hey." she stops my rambling, grabbing my hand from across the table. we are sitting at a cafe near our dorm building drinking ice coffee. "it's okay love, what did you expect?" she laughs a little. squeezing my hand a little.

"not a damn essay right away." i groan, taking a sip of my drink. she shrugs, pursing her lips together.

"you'll live. and if you need any help i could help you." she smiles, nodding her head. i sigh, shaking my head but also shrugging.

"i'm sure you have your own work to do." i tell her. "it's okay, i'll survive." i chuckle, hoping my cheeks aren't flushed.

"let's go back to the dorm so you can get started." she says starting to stand up. we grab our bags and make our way back to our dorm building.

after saying bye to lucy and giving her a kiss, i walk down the hall. i unlock the door to my room and swing the door open, entering. the first thing i see is a half naked aubrey standing beside her bed. the rest of her clothes seemed to be laid out on the bed. i gasp and slap my hand over my eyes.

"oh gosh i'm sorry." i shut the door quickly and turn around, uncovering my eyes. i hear her giggle.

"it's okay, you didn't know." she says. i gulp, waiting a moment before turning around and seeing her just finishing getting dressed. she sits down on her bed and i just take a sip of my drink, sliding my bag off my shoulder. "how was first day of classes?"

"pretty good. i already have a shit ton of work to do." i say as i sit on my bed. i remove my shoes and take my laptop and a certain book out of my backpack. i put my drink on the side table. i criss cross on my bed, opening my laptop. "how about you?" i ask, looking over at her.

"boring, basic." she says, still smiling. i nod, not doubting it because it is college. i look back at my lap top, putting in the password. before i even realized, she's sitting on the edge of my bed next to me.

i slowly look over, cracking my knuckles quickly. she tilts her head and moves her eyes to my computer screen. "essay already?" she asks.

"mhm." i nod, angling my screen so she can see it better. she looks closer, reading what i need to do. i keep my eyes glued to her, watching her facial expressions.

"i could do it for you." she grabs my computer off of my legs, touching my the top of my thighs. my eyes widen, shaking my head her. i cant start college off with someone doing my first essay.

"no no, i can do it. you probably have your own work to do anyway." i say to her. she keeps my computer in her hands, chuckling lightly.

"don't worry about my work. this school goes easy on first essays for freshmen." she says. "i'll do it." she gives me a nice smile, telling me it doesn't seem like she minds. her eyes move from me to my computer slowly.

"well if they go easy then i should write it because i sort of suck." i laugh awkwardly, going to take my computer back. she sighs, letting me grab it and put it back on my lab.

"okay fair. but let me know if you ever need help, i had that professor as well and he's not fun." she tells me, going back over to her bed. why would an older student in college want to do a freshman essay?

"okay, thanks for offering." i tell her. she goes into her closet and grabs some pajamas. she grabs her bag with shower things in it and walks to the door.

she looks at me quick before opening the door and leaving. i swallow a lump in my throat. did she just wink at me?

shiiiit! isn't that lovely of aubrey to offer to do dakotas essay 👀 what do you guys think will happen with her? and will anything happen to lucy and dakota?
comment and vote 🗳 plzz💛

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