I. I am your Timekeeper

Start from the beginning

However an organization who finally discovered and exposed the existence of Earth elves which were happened to have a wrong interpretation of "greater future of human race", abused the blessings of Earth elves and so they hunt the entities beneath the depths of the stretched land of Tuath Dé Danann, which translated as "Tribe of Gods" to force them to produce a lot more than what they needed.

Earth Elves were only a part of a larger group of powerful deities protecting the nature and can use a sacred passage between the mortal and underworld.

Year 550 A.D. Anno Domini Era (translation: in the year of the Lord)

They suffered from the mercenaries by forcing them to use their magic and when they had enough of abuse, they decided to abandon their home to move far away safe from greedy mortals. Elves are still willing to continue to serve their purpose and so the superior ones created a Supreme Council to assign each powerful elf to be transformed into Autumn fairies.

21st Century.

*Ddaeng music plays low volume radio version*

?: Is it going to work?

?: Well look at his nose, it's twitching.

Raabbih gained consciousness from hearing a foreign language that he is unaware of. Adjusting his vision just to see two sturdy physiques, exhibiting a firm posture that he wants to recognize as an example of a male human body based on the long limbs and muscle mass he could see in his eyes' angle. He may add that those two males have such a good facial features and tall too.

Jimin: I told you, he'll wake up from this bop song!

J-Hope: Maybe this is his jam. Hey dude wassup? Have you remembered your role upon gaining back your consciousness?

Jimin: (ogling) Wow, I never thought an Earth elf would be this flawless and handsome. Can I touch your face?

The spring fairy leaned closer beyond Raabbih's solace so he moved back but he realized he's lying in a bed and his back just hit the head board.

Jimin: (leaning and staring) Woah, your eyes are bigger than my future. You look like a baby! And wow, your hair feels like you conditioned it 100 times. Damn son it's so soft!

Jimin couldn't help but to pinch the cheeks of confused autumn fairy. He also invaded Raabbih's personal space and made a skin contact against his, far much to autumn fairy's liking.

J-Hope: What a lecherous spring fairy. Stop harassing our new member you pervert!

Raabbih eyed Jimin with a bit of disgust.

Raabbih: I'm sorry but who are you?

His eyes caught another presence who magically appeared in front of them with a dust of crystal snows slowly falling on the floor.

Suga: Jimin what I told you about the skinship? You're making him think you are weird.

Jimin: I can't help it, he's just a good example of my standards.

The pale man in blue hair crossed his arms and stared at him.

Suga: You are the Autumn fairy and our new recruit in this household. You can choose any name you want to blend in the society. We can't jeopardize our identities so we will teach you a thing or two how to act accordingly to mortal's life.

The winter fairy stopped and smirked then opens his mouth.

Suga: Just so you know, it was just a metaphor when I said "a thing or two" but those two idiots beside you knew what I meant and I don't really mean two. Good luck ménage. (member of household)

2nd Book: Jungkook the Autumn FairyWhere stories live. Discover now