Louis is sitting up slightly in bed with his black sweats and black pyjama sweater on, it falls off his collarbones and he looks so tiny. He's hooked up to a lot of machines still. Scott is folding some clothes in the corner, Edward is sitting on the bed next to Louis and Drew on the chair facing him.

When Harry and Charlie enter the room, Louis stares at Harry. Harry smiles widely as does Charlie, trying to make Louis at ease. They greet the boys and Louis watches, never taking his eyes off Harry.

"How are you feeling Louis?" Charlie asks.

Louis looks to Charlie

"I'm fine" he says half smiling

"We promise to make this as quick as possible okay" Charlie adds.

Louis nods. He just wants to get this over with. In all honestly he just wants to try to put this behind him and move on, he has football to get back to and university, the team. He just wants his normal life back.

"Can um, the boys leave?" Louis asks quietly. He doesn't want his brothers hearing this. He doesn't want to tell them what happened to him just yet. But he doesn't want them to be upset at him for asking either.

The boys look at each other, they completely understand and want Louis to be ready to open up to them not forced.

"Of course we can bud, we will be just outside okay, if you need us we aren't going anywhere okay" Edward says kindly

Louis nods as his palms begin to sweat. The boys leave and Harry and Charlie pull up a chair either side of Louis bed. Charlie takes out a tape recorder and puts it at the end of the bed.

"Don't even worry about it okay, just pretend it's not there you're only talking to Harry and I okay" Charlie says kindly.

"K" Louis says lowly.

"So how are you holding up? Keeping those brothers of your on their toes I hope" Harry says lightening the mood

Louis chuckles slightly

"Yeah, they are a little annoying" Louis half smiles.

Charlie and Harry chuckle

"Sounds like them" Charlie says smiling.

"I....I remember you both you know" Louis says quietly

"We remember you too, so much so that we brought you something" Charlie says

"Me?" Louis questions

"Yep. Here" Harry says smiling as he pulls a packet of red gummy bears from his pocket and passes them over to Louis.

"You remembered that about me? That I love red gummy bears?" Louis asks surprised.

"You bet we did kiddo" Charlie says.

"I didn't bring hair ties though, so unfortunately you can't do my hair, it's a bit short anyway" Harry says as he winks at Louis who smiles embarrassed.

"I'm sorry about that, you just had nice hair" Louis says shyly.

Harry and Charlie chuckle

"So we understand that this is going to be hard for you to re live Louis and we want you to go at your pace and in your own time. If you need a break let us know, we can come back tomorrow or another day of you need us too" Charlie says

"Okay, I'm okay I just.... I want to get it over with I just want to get back to normal and I just want him to get what he deserves ..I hate him" Louis says.

"We understand that and your statement will be a huge part of putting him away for life okay" Harry says.

"What's......what's his name!" Louis asks.

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