Six months

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(Two and a half months later.)
/Date; March 18, 2015.\

Devyn's POV:

I was sitting at my desk working on a project for an article in National Geographic and I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck. I smiled and turned around.

"Hey." I smiled at Devin and pecked his lips.

"Hey baby girl." he smiled and sat down in front of my desk.

"What are you doing here. I thought we were gonna meet tonight." I smiled and sent an email and swiveled around in my chair.

"I couldn't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend till then....And I brought lunch." He smiled and set down a bag that had a box of go-Food and something else I couldn't tell what it was.

"Oh. I'm not hungry sweetie. Thanks though." I smiled.

"I know but I brought yogurt for you." He said and set a yogurt down. "You're going to eat it though Devyin. I will sit on you and feed you if I have to." He smiled and set a spoon on top of it. I groaned and took it before opening it and slowly eating. He smiled and leaned forward to kiss my cheek. I laughed and got up to sit in his lap. He chuckled and ran his hands up the back of shirt. He grabbed the back of my bra and smirked.

"Devin don't. Not at work." I whispered. He laughed and didn't let go. He played with the back strap of the bra and smirked harder.

"I didn't see you at all yesterday and I missed you." He said softly.

"Devin Grant Lynch. No sex at work." I growled as he unhooked my bra. "I'm still sore from last week." I whispered to myself.

"Just a minuet." He moaned softly. I smiled and ran my hand through his hair. I still have a sling on from when I broke my arm. I pulled on the ends lightly and then grabbed a handful of his hair.

"No Devin. Not right now. Please stop." I said in a serious tone.

"Sorry baby girl. I'm really sorry I don't wanna rush anything." He said and rehooked my bra. I let a huge sigh and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you Devin." I whined and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and also sighed.

"I'm really sorry Devyn." he whispered.

"Calm down Devin. I'm not going to hold it out over you." I chuckled and laced our fingers together. He was slowly moving our hands back and forth. I stopped him and put my hand on his chest. He smiled and hugged me again.

"I gotta go back to work. I'll see you later. Meet me at six my place." He asked and bit my ear playfully. I giggled and turned around and kissed him.

"Ok. See you later. Oh can I have the pudding in the bag." I asked.

"How'd you know I had pudding." He chuckled.

"I saw it. Please." I asked and grabbed the bag quickly and opened the pudding. He smiled and kissed my head.

"I'm glad you're eating baby." He said and left as I continued to eat. Mark walked in and smiled.

"Hey mark." I said with a mouthful of pudding.

"Hey. Did you get the article for Nat Geo. the kids article." He asked. I picked up a file and put it out to him. He smiled and walked out. I finished and went home.


Devin made a delicious dinner and served it with an expensive wine. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box and set it under his folded hands. I smiled shyly.

"Devyn. We have been dating for Six months now. And over time as I spent more time with you. I have realized how much I love being around you and How much I love you. So I want you to move in with me. Your sister can have the extra bedroom." he smiled and pushed the box in front of me.

"Devin. I-I don't know what to say." I said opening the box. It was a small key it was pink and had hearts all over it.

"So what do you say baby." he smiled shyly. I nodded and stood up to hug him. "So it's a yes." He asked.

"Yes." I whispered softly as we hugged. I was crying of happiness and so was Devin.

"Is your sister going to be ok with this Devyn." He asked.

"Not at all but she can get over it." I chuckled as he pecked my lips.

"Did you mean it when you told me you loved me." I asked shyly.

"More than anything Devyn. You right now are more important than my Neisse that I found out about yesterday." He smiled and looked me in the eye. I smiled.

"I-I Love You too Devin. I never knew you felt this way so I've never said anything." I said and hugged him again.

"You know I've never believed in True Love At First Sight until I met you." He whispered picking me up.

"Ow. Devin wait my arm." I squealed.

"Oh I'm sorry Devyn." He said and kissed my cheek. We went over to the couch and sat down.

"Wanna watch a movie." He smiled and flicked through movies on the tv.

"A romance movie please Devin." I whined.

"Gross. How bout another scary movie. It's hot when you get scared." he smirked.

"I came over for a date Devin. not sex." I said and grabbed the remote. He huffed as I turned on If I stay. I sat in his lap and smiled before kissing his cheek.

We finished the movie and Devin fell asleep and I cried through the whole thing. I got up off Devin's lap and went into his room. I went through his drawers and finally found his sweatpants and huge shirt I usually borrow when I stay. A few months ago I actually started leaving clothes here. I took a shower and got into Devin's clothes and went back into the livingroom. Devin smiled and stood up and smiled.

"I see you left me." He smiled and hugged me.

"I know. I wanted to stay here tonight." I smiled and kissed his cheek before going into the kitchen and grabbing a jello. I grabbed a fork and started eating.

"Why a fork when you eat Jello." Devin chuckled taking a bite of my jello.

"I don't know just feels right." I shrugged as my phone rang it rang the Same time as Devin's did. I chuckled and answered it.

"Devyn." Danielle screamed.

"What I can hear you know." I sighed.

"R5 is coming to New York. I have to have tickets. Can I have the money." She asked. I haven't told her that Devin is related to them.

"We'll see. Hey I'm staying with Devin tonight. I'll see you tomorrow after I get back from work. Ok." I asked.

"Think about it please. I have to see them. Bye." She said and hung up. I turned around to Devin and laughed cause he did the same.

"Your/My brothers are coming to New York." We said at the same time.

"Funny my sister just called me wanting tickets." I smiled.

"My sister just called saying she wants to stay with me." He whined.

"When are they coming." I asked.

"Two weeks. I was hoping to have you moved in with me by then though." He sighed.

"Ok. Well what about my sister." I asked.

"I'll figure something out." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

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