It all begins here

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Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Here is a story that I wanted to write about for a while now and I want your opinions on some of the ideas here. Also, question, should this have a Izuku x Harem? If so, who do you want in the harem? If not, then who should he be with? Tell me here. Also Also, I am lazy as hell and might not be able to update frequently. Expect updates at random :P. Anyways, ONTO THE STORY!!! :D

Edit: I AM BACK BITCHES!!! This chapter had gone through a major edit. I hope you enjoy this version. If it is worse than before, let me know.


It was suspected that there was a traitor at UA for a while now. There had not been much evidence, so many could not come up with a conclusive answer. There were clues, however, and they seem to point towards Izuku Midoriya, a boy that seems to have a knack for breaking his bones every time he uses his quirk. Those that suspect him have good reasons. One: his body seems to be not as ready whenever he uses his quirk. Destructive on both the target and himself. Two: it stems from the fact that his quirk had just appeared when it should have appeared when he was 4 or 5 at most. Three: his quirk resembles nothing like his parents' quirks. His father has a fire ability while his mother has light telepathy that she can use to levitate small objects to her.

However, recent scandals had made Izuku a prime suspect and League of Villains put the final nail in the coffin, although there is one person from the league that happens to feel guilty for doing it. The staff of UA soon met up and discussed what actions they should take. Many, after seeing the evidence of the Leagues' latest heist, vote to put him in jail with the exception of All Might, Aizawa, and Nezu. Nezu knows that the recent incident was not Izuku but without much evidence and being out voted, there was not much he could have done without too much backlash from the staff, the students and their parents. That same day, Class 1A was informed of this and, as expected, received initial shock before it turned to disgust once they had seen the footage.

Uraraka was the most conflicted out of them all. For one, she is Izuku's first ever friend, knowing him the most out of Class 1A besides Bakugo. She is conflicted on whether to believe the evidence or trust her gut, her gut telling her Izuku is innocent. However, thanks to the pressure that is coming from the rest of class 1A, she leaned more to the evidence. Iida, although wanting to believe Izuku wouldn't do this, ultimately believed the evidence put in front of him. Todoroki, Bakugo, Momo, Tsuyu, Mina and Kirishima did not believe the evidence for no other reason other than that he is just too kind to be that kind of monster.

The next day...

Izuku wakes up to a wonderful morning, sunny day outside and perfect temperature for a jog. He gets up and heads downstairs to the main lobby to get breakfast, only to be met with every student of Class 1-A, All Might, Eraserhead, Principle Nezu and the rest of UA Staff all looking at him. The Students look at him in disgust and betrayal except for Ochako, Todoroki, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Momo, Mina and Kirishima, All Might and Eraserhead look at him with a worried expression and Nezu with a neutral expression.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" asked Izuku

"SHUT UP YOU TRAITOR!" Shouted Mineta

"W-what? Why?" asked Izuku, confusion on his face.

"We have reasons to believe that you, Izuku Midoriya, you are the traitor of UA by stealing infos on all of the heroes and students and had sent them to the L.O.V." said Principle Nezu, still with a neutral expression.

"W-w-what??? What are you talking about?? W-w-what evidence do you have to support this??" asked Izuku, becoming even more confused

"Show the footage to him, Mr.Aizawa." said Principle Nezu

Aizawa, or Eraserhead, complies and plays the recording on the TV in the main lobby. It shows Izuku in his hero costume stealing the files that held information on all heroes and students, wounding some of the heroes along the way and then leaving.

"W-w-w-w-wait... that is not me, I sw-" said Izuku before being cut off by Nezu, who spoke some more.

"We had suspected that there was a traitor among us. (NOT THE GAME!) Thanks to this recent event and to past incidents involving the league, the staff casted a vote to put you in jail. Officers." said Nezu as the police entered and put handcuffs on Izuku.

"Izuku Midoriya, you are under arrest and will be sent to Tartarus prison for stealing information and giving them to villains." said the police officer

"W-wait, why Tartarus??" Izuku questioned.

"That would be thanks to your quirk. You are too dangerous to be kept in a normal prison and as such, will be sent to Tartarus for 10 years. Maybe less if you have good behavior." said the police officer.

Throughout this whole exchange, Bakugo stood silent. He knows something is off, why would Deku ever steal? Another side of him wants to believe the evidence and call him out for being a traitor but his more rational side is saying that Deku did not do it. He would never because it was his dream since childhood to be a hero. He knows Deku would never steal and help the villains but he has no evidence to help him out.

Meanwhile, All Might looks on in silence. He wants to help Izuku out and knows Izuku would never steal but he cannot help either. He also has no evidence that would help Izuku for right now.

Izuku gets dragged closer to the police car without resistance because resisting now would make him look even worse. He looks towards Uraraka and Iida for help.

"P-p-please, you all got to believe me, right Iida-kun, Uraraka-san??" asked Izuku, hoping they would believe him.

"I'm sorry. I-I-I want to, but I don't know anymore..." said Uraraka.

"I thought you would be the greatest hero, but it turns out I was wrong about you." said Iida

Hearing his friends say this nearly broke him as he looks at All Might, hoping that he will help him. All Might approaches Midoriya and whispers to his ear.

"Play along, ok? I am gonna take back One For All but once we find evidence, we will set you free." said All Might, giving Midoriya hope again but did not show it. All Might then took back OFA (Do Not Ask Me How) and went back to the rest of the group.

As Izuku is taken to Tartarus, Uraraka looks on with tears forming in her eyes. She is conflicted whether or not to believe in the evidence more or believe that Midoriya is innocent but after saying that to him, she immediately regretted it when she saw his face. Pain was all over Izuku's face and it was at that moment that she finally believed that Izuku was innocent but it was too late to say it to him. She tears up and runs back to her dorm, crying to herself till she is too tired to do so, guilt washing over her for what she had done. 

Deku: The Lord and Sin of Despair (A new version is coming)Where stories live. Discover now